Current page: Information->Indexed and Annotated Bibliography
ECVision indexed and annotated bibliography of cognitive computer vision publications
This bibliography was created by Hilary Buxton and Benoit Gaillard, University of Sussex, as part of ECVision Specific Action 8-1
The complete text version of this BibTeX file is available here: ECVision_bibliography.bib

C. Rothwell and A. Zisserman and D. Forsyth and J. Mundy
Planar Object Recognition Using Projective Shape Representation


We describe a model based recognition system, called LEWIS, for the identification of planar objects based on a projectively invariant representation of shape. The advantages of this shape description include simple model acquisition (direct from images), no need for camera calibration or object pose computation, and the use of index functions. We describe the feature construction and recognition algorithms in detail and provide an analysis of the combinatorial advantages of using index functions. Index functions are used to select models from a model base and are constructed from projective invariants based on algebraic curves and a canonical projective coordinate frame. Examples are given of object recognition from images of real scenes, with extensive object libraries. Successful recognition is demonstrated despite partial occlusion by unmodelled objects, and realistic lighting conditions.

Site generated on Friday, 06 January 2006