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===Robotics in Africa===
===Robotics in Africa===
[http://robotics-africa.org/ African Robotics Network (AFRON)] <BR>
[http://robotics-africa.org/ African Robotics Network (AFRON)] which is currently transitioning its identity to [https://afrob.vercel.app AfRob]  <BR>
<!-- [https://edition.cnn.com/2017/08/22/africa/robots-in-africa/index.html African countries are importing robots and young people's jobs are at risk]<BR> -->
[https://www.africanobservatory.ai/about African Observatory on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (the African Observatory)] <BR>
[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScr2HNwZUR2eniH85HiDrHoq-kCLyLfmIbung2OY9UH8jB8oQ/viewform African Robotics Network (AfRob) Membership Application] <BR>
[https://face2faceafrica.com/article/all-girls-robotics-team-from-ghana-wins-world-robofest-championship-in-the-u-s?fbclid=IwAR1OvJIvUIRLGdI3X375nbnX1OAUnSQ2g9S9MA5_A92VhTgfq8LO6zkI3V4 All-girls robotics team from Ghana wins World Robofest Championship in the U.S.]<BR>
[https://face2faceafrica.com/article/all-girls-robotics-team-from-ghana-wins-world-robofest-championship-in-the-u-s?fbclid=IwAR1OvJIvUIRLGdI3X375nbnX1OAUnSQ2g9S9MA5_A92VhTgfq8LO6zkI3V4 All-girls robotics team from Ghana wins World Robofest Championship in the U.S.]<BR>
[https://www.ashesi.org/blog/award-winning-prof-ayokor-korsah-uses-robotics-to-ignite-passion-for-stem-learning-in-africa/  Award-winning professor ignites passion for STEM learning in Africa] <BR>
[https://cars4mars.co.za/ Cars4Mars] African Rover Challenge: Design & build a Mars rover prototype <BR>
[https://www.awarri.com/ Awarri] "Our mission is to enable the development and adoption of advanced AI & Robotics technology on the African continent" <BR>
[https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.adm7012 Culturally competent social robots target inclusion in Africa] <BR>
[[file:New.jpg]] [https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.adm7012 Culturally competent social robots target inclusion in Africa] <BR>
[https://fundibots.org Fundi Bots] robotics for kids classes, motivating STEM education generally <BR>
[https://fundibots.org/fundi-bots-classes/ Fundi Bots] robotics for kids classes, motivating STEM education generally <BR>
[http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-05/15/c_138061183.htm Humanoid robot Sophia addresses Africa technology summit in Rwanda]<BR>
[http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-05/15/c_138061183.htm Humanoid robot Sophia addresses Africa technology summit in Rwanda]<BR>
[https://icra40.ieee.org/icra-2024/icra40-africa/ ICRA@40 Africa] <BR>
[http://rwandatoday.africa/news/Govt-plans-to-build-robotics-cancer-training-centre/4383214-5030620-3ua2nu/index.html IRCAD in the press]<BR>
[http://rwandatoday.africa/news/Govt-plans-to-build-robotics-cancer-training-centre/4383214-5030620-3ua2nu/index.html IRCAD in the press]<BR>
[http://africa.mit.edu/news-and-events/robotics-camp-ends-with-call-for-more-investment/ MIT-Africa Robotics Boot Camp]<BR>
[http://africa.mit.edu/news-and-events/robotics-camp-ends-with-call-for-more-investment/ MIT-Africa Robotics Boot Camp]<BR>
[http://parcrobotics.org/ Pan-African Robotics Competition] General Overview<BR>
[http://parcrobotics.org/ Pan-African Robotics Competition] General Overview<BR>
[[file:New.jpg]] [https://parc-robotics.github.io/documentation-2023/introduction/ Pan-African Robotics Competition 2023 AgTech Challenge] uses more advanced tools, e.g., ROS, Gazebo, and OpenCV, and [https://www.trossenrobotics.com/agilex-scout-unmanned-ground-vehicle-2-0.aspx#packages  Scout] robot from AgileX. <BR>
[https://parc-robotics.github.io/documentation-2023/introduction/ Pan-African Robotics Competition 2023 AgTech Challenge] uses more advanced tools, e.g., ROS, Gazebo, and OpenCV, and [https://www.trossenrobotics.com/agilex-scout-unmanned-ground-vehicle-2-0.aspx#packages  Scout] robot from AgileX. <BR>
[https://reflectrobotics.com/index.html Reflect Robotics] <BR>
[https://www.enovarobotics.eu/pguard/ PGuard] security robots by Enova Robotics, Tunisia. <BR>[http://www.ircad.africa/ Research Institute against Digestive Cancer (IRCAD)]<BR>
[http://www.ircad.africa/ Research Institute against Digestive Cancer (IRCAD)]<BR>
[https://www.robofest.net/index.php/current-competitions/world-championship Robofest 2019]<BR>
[https://www.robofest.net/index.php/current-competitions/world-championship Robofest 2019]<BR>
[http://vernon.eu/publications/19_Vernon_RAM.pdf Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa], IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 131-135, December 2019.<BR>
[http://vernon.eu/publications/19_Vernon_RAM.pdf Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa], IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 131-135, December 2019.<BR>
[http://creativity.rw/robotics Robotics for Kids]<BR>
[https://sites.google.com/view/robotlearning4africa-2024 Robot Learning for Africa Workshop 2024]  at the [https://deeplearningindaba.com/2024/ Deep Learning Indaba] Sengal<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://deeplearningindaba.com/blog/2024/10/robot-learning-for-africa-building-a-robotics-community-at-the-deep-learning-indaba/ Robot Learning for Africa Workshop 2025] at the [https://deeplearningindaba.com/2025/ Deep Learning Indaba] Rwanda <BR>
[http://blog.swaliafrica.com/robots-in-africa/ Robots in Africa. What does this mean for the continent?]<BR>
[https://www.robotsafrica.org/ RobotsAfrica] mentor African teachers to teach African youth <BR>
[http://creativity.rw/robotics Creativity Labs] Robotics for Kids<BR>
[https://africarobotics.github.io/iros2024/ Robotics in Africa Forum at IROS 2024] <BR>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85svuiUOtvY Robotics in Education in Africa] Ayorkor Korsah, Ashesi University, Ghana, Plenary speaker at the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation <BR>  
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85svuiUOtvY Robotics in Education in Africa] Ayorkor Korsah, Ashesi University, Ghana, Plenary speaker at the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation <BR>  
[https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/robots-at-reception-south-african-hotel-idUSKBN2AF0QX Robots at reception: South African hotel turns to machines to beat pandemic]. <BR>
[http://blog.swaliafrica.com/robots-in-africa/ Robots in Africa. What does this mean for the continent?]<BR>
[https://www.ryonic.io/ Ryonic Robotics]<BR>
[https://www.ryonic.io/ Ryonic Robotics]<BR>
[https://www.ubtrobot.com/products/cruzr?ls=en Ubtech CRUZR service robot] deployed by [https://www.zorabotsafrica.com/home ZoraBots Africa Ltd.] to check the temperature of travellers arriving at [https://www.afro.who.int/news/robots-use-rwanda-fight-against-covid-19 Kigali International Airport, Rwanda.] <BR>
[https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/cape-town-hospital-uses-robot-forefront-surgery-africa-2022-07-21/ Surgical robots] in operation at Tygerberg public hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. <BR>
[https://www.linkedin.com/company/zorabots-africa/?originalSubdomain=rw ZoraBots Africa Ltd.] <BR>
[https://page.aerobotics.com/skybugs Skybugs] pest management using drone technology by Aerobotics, South Africa <BR>
[https://www.ubtrobot.com Ubtech CRUZR service robot] deployed  to check the temperature of travellers arriving at [https://www.afro.who.int/news/robots-use-rwanda-fight-against-covid-19 Kigali International Airport, Rwanda.] <BR>
[https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-08215-3_4 Working with Robots as Colleagues: Kenyan Perspectives of Ethical Concerns on Possible Integration of Co-bots in Workplaces]<BR>
[https://www.ircad.africa IRCAD Africa] <BR>
[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-08215-3 Responsible AI in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities] <BR>
=== Robotics Education in Africa===
=== Robotics & STEM Education in Africa===
Carnegie Mellon University Africa [https://www.africa.engineering.cmu.edu/ website] and [https://vimeo.com/413919491 video] <BR>
[https://acity.edu.gh/study/BSc-Robotics-Engineering.php B.Sc. Robotics Engineering] Academic City University College, Ghana <BR>
[https://resourcecenter.ieee-ras.org/conferences-videos/icra-videos/824490.html ICRA 2015 - Robotics in Education in Africa]<BR>
Carnegie Mellon University Africa [https://www.africa.engineering.cmu.edu/research/artificial-intelligence.html website] and [https://vimeo.com/413919491 video] <BR>
[https://coderina.org/first-programs/ Coderina] Engaging Youth in STEM Exploration with FIRST® LEGO® League <BR>
[https://resourcecenter.ieee-ras.org/conferences/icra-videos/rasicravid0040 ICRA 2015 - Robotics in Education in Africa]<BR>
[https://www.facebook.com/p/Keza-Education-Future-Lab-100076079992000/ Keza Education Future Lab] for kids aged 3 to 14 <BR>
[https://www.facebook.com/p/Keza-Education-Future-Lab-100076079992000/ Keza Education Future Lab] for kids aged 3 to 14 <BR>
[https://leaprlabs.rw/ Leapr Labs] <BR>
[https://www.nga.ac.rw New Generation Academy] <BR>
[https://leaprlabs.rw/mtoto/ Mtoto Robotics] (part for Leapr Labs) <BR>
[https://www.nga.ac.rw/coding-and-music/ New Generation Academy] <BR>
[http://creativity.rw/ Creativity Lab] STEM education using robots <BR>
[http://creativity.rw/ Creativity Lab] STEM education using robots <BR>
[https://www.mineduc.gov.rw/news-detail/the-ministry-of-education-to-enter-into-partnership-with-zorabots-africa-to-promote-stem-in-rwandan-schools The government of Rwanda enters into a partnership] with [https://www.zorabotsafrica.com/home ZoraBots Africa] to promote STEM in Rwandan schools<BR>
[https://www.mineduc.gov.rw/news-detail/the-ministry-of-education-to-enter-into-partnership-with-zorabots-africa-to-promote-stem-in-rwandan-schools The government of Rwanda enters into a partnership] with ZoraBots Africa to promote STEM in Rwandan schools<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]]  [https://rainigeria.com/ RAIN: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Nigeria] <BR>
[https://rainigeria.com/ RAIN: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Nigeria] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]]  [https://www.jobinrwanda.com/job/design-challenge-call-proposals-design-robotics-program-and-toolkit-be-implemented-rwandan Design Challenge: Call for proposals to design a robotics program and toolkit to be implemented in Rwandan school curricula]<BR>
[https://www.linkedin.com/posts/giz-rwanda_expression-of-interest-activity-7143160663555702784-ibzY/ Design Challenge: Call for proposals to design a robotics program and toolkit to be implemented in Rwandan school curricula] and the resultant [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rwandaict_nationalroboticsprogram-activity-7240653764871782400-WX0Z/ pilot program] with a post on [https://x.com/RwandaICT/status/1834888620534104561 X]<BR>
[https://foundation.ghanarobotics.org/ Ghana Robotics Academy Foundation] <BR>
[https://techriserwanda.org/ TechRise Rwanda]<BR>
===AI in Africa===
===AI in Africa===
[[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/01/africa-will-be-transformed-by-the-potential-of-ai-and-data-if-we-can-get-investment Africa will be transformed by the potential of AI and data – if we can get investment]<BR>
[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/01/africa-will-be-transformed-by-the-potential-of-ai-and-data-if-we-can-get-investment Africa will be transformed by the potential of AI and data – if we can get investment]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/downloads/Africa_Embraces_AI.pdf Africa Embraces AI, Robotics, and Machine Learning], Invited talk at the Int. Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards ([https://clawar.org/conference-proceedings/icres-conference/icres-2020-proceedings/ ICRES 2020]) NB: 300 MB <BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/downloads/Africa_Embraces_AI.pdf Africa Embraces AI, Robotics, and Machine Learning], Invited talk at the Int. Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards ([https://clawar.org/conference-proceedings/icres-conference/icres-2020-proceedings/ ICRES 2020]) NB: 300 MB <BR>
[https://www.ai4afrika.com/ AI 4 Afrika] <BR>
[https://aiinafrica.org/ AI in Africa] <BR>
[https://sites.google.com/view/aiinafrica2022/ AI in Africa for Sustainable Economic Development 2022] Workshop <BR>
[https://sites.google.com/view/aiinafrica2022/ AI in Africa for Sustainable Economic Development 2022] Workshop <BR>
[https://journals.openedition.org/ctd/4775?lang=en AI in Africa : Framing AI through an African Lens] <BR>
[https://journals.openedition.org/ctd/4775?lang=en AI in Africa : Framing AI through an African Lens] <BR>
[https://cpr.unu.edu/ai-in-africa-is-a-double-edged-sword.html AI & Global Governance: AI in Africa is a Double-Edged Sword]<BR>
[https://cpr.unu.edu/ai-in-africa-is-a-double-edged-sword.html AI & Global Governance: AI in Africa is a Double-Edged Sword]<BR>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TZrxaMnxNE&list=PL4qydbsq1TeaJmZGMvzsmvGZjY1aymx0h&index=4 AIDA Symposium: Anicia Peters talks about AI Education in Namibia (HumanE AI Net)]<BR>
[https://www.alliance4ai.org/ Alliance4AI] Africa's largest AI community <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://engineering.cmu.edu/news-events/news/2025/01/14-birth-asphyxia.html An app to detect birth asphyxia in Africa] <BR>
[https://www.bbrief.co.za/2017/05/11/artificial-intelligence-how-can-it-benefit-africa/ Artificial Intelligence – how can it benefit Africa?]<BR>
[https://www.bbrief.co.za/2017/05/11/artificial-intelligence-how-can-it-benefit-africa/ Artificial Intelligence – how can it benefit Africa?]<BR>
[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fdgth.2020.00006/full Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare in Africa] <BR>
[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fdgth.2020.00006/full Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare in Africa] <BR>
[http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077-72132020000200002 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deployments in Africa: Benefits, Challenges and Policy Dimensions] <BR>
[http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077-72132020000200002 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deployments in Africa: Benefits, Challenges and Policy Dimensions] <BR>
[https://www.theafricareport.com/833/artificial-intelligence-hits-african-companies/ Artificial Intelligence Hits African Companies]<BR>
[https://www.theafricareport.com/833/artificial-intelligence-hits-african-companies/ Artificial Intelligence Hits African Companies]<BR>
[https://www.awarri.com/ Awarri] Enabling AI for Africa<BR>
[https://blackinai.github.io/#/ Black in AI]  <BR>
[https://www.datascienceafrica.org/ Data Science Africa] <BR>
[https://data.org/organizations/data-science-nigeria/ Data Scientists Network] <BR>
[https://www.giz.de/expertise/html/61982.html FAIR Forward - Artificial Intelligence for All] <BR>
[https://www.giz.de/expertise/html/61982.html FAIR Forward - Artificial Intelligence for All] <BR>
[File:new.jpg][https://www.intelliverseai.com/ Intelliverse]Pioneering Collaborative Artifical Intelligence Research and Innovation across Africa <BR>
[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jul/06/mercy-anita-african-workers-ai-artificial-intelligence-exploitation-feeding-machine Feeding the Machine: The Hidden Human Labour Powering AI (edited extract)] and [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jul/06/james-muldoon-mark-graham-callum-cant-ai-artificial-intelligence-human-work-exploitation-fairwork-feeding-machine An interview with the authors] <BR>
[https://ghananlp.org/ Ghana Natural Language Processing] <BR>
[https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiYjc5NTQyMzQtNTFiZS00ZTdjLTkwMmMtZWZkOGU3Njk1ZjM2IiwidCI6IjdhNTNiMjZhLTI1YTUtNGNiYS05NGM4LTM4ZWFlMWY3MzVjYSJ9&pageName=ReportSection How is A.I. Being Utilized in Africa?] Mapping AI Applications across Africa <BR>
[https://icog-labs.com/  iCog Labs] AI Research and Software Development<BR>
[https://lelapa.ai/about/ Lelapa AI]<BR>
[https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07104-7 Look to Africa to advance artificial intelligence] Nature 562, 461 (2018) <BR>
[https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07104-7 Look to Africa to advance artificial intelligence] Nature 562, 461 (2018) <BR>
[http://vernon.eu/publications/2021_Alupo_et_al.pdf  Realizing the Potential of AI in Africa] C. Delmus Alupo, D. Omeiza, and D. Vernon, in Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems, M. I. Aldinhas Ferreira (Ed.), Springer (in press)<BR>
[https://miiafrica.org/  The Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA)]<BR>
[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-08215-3 Responsible AI in Africa] Challenges and Opportunities; open access book from Springer (if you are short on time, read the Foreword by Mark Coeckelbergh in the Front Matter) <BR>
[https://www.masakhane.io/ Masakhane] A grassroots NLP community for Africa, by Africans <BR>
[https://www.wits.ac.za/mind/ MIND Machine Intelligence and Neural Discovery Institute] at the [https://www.wits.ac.za/ University of the Witwatersrand]<BR>
[http://vernon.eu/publications/2022_Delmus_Alupo_et_al.pdf  Realizing the Potential of AI in Africa] C. Delmus Alupo, D. Omeiza, and D. Vernon, in Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems, M. I. Aldinhas Ferreira (Ed.), Springer (2022)<BR>
[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-08215-3 Responsible AI in Africa] Challenges and Opportunities; open access book from Springer (if you are short on time, read the Foreword by Mark Coeckelbergh in the [https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm:978-3-031-08215-3/1?pdf=chapter%20toc Front Matter]) <BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/publications/19_Vernon_RAM.pdf Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa], also at [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8931075 IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 131-135, December 2019]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/publications/19_Vernon_RAM.pdf Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa], also at [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8931075 IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 131-135, December 2019]<BR>
[https://ssir.org/articles/entry/the_ai_invasion_is_coming_to_africa_and_its_a_good_thing# The AI Invasion is Coming to Africa (and It’s a Good Thing)]<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://ro-ya-cv4africa.github.io/homepage/ Ro'ya-CV4Africa] A Grassroots Computer Vision Community for Africans and by Africans <BR>
[https://sisonkebiotik.africa/ SisonkeBiotik] An open grassroots participatory community making African data science, machine learning and AI for health more accessible and inclusive <BR>
[https://ai.or.tz/ TanzaniaAI Community] <BR>
[https://ssir.org/articles/entry/the_ai_invasion_is_coming_to_africa_and_its_a_good_thing# The AI Invasion is Coming to Africa (and It’s a Good Thing)]<BR>[https://au.int/sites/default/files/documents/38507-doc-dts-english.pdf The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa], African Union.<BR>
[https://www.siliconrepublic.com/machines/africa-ai-google The future of AI: Why Google is betting big on Africa] <BR>
[https://www.siliconrepublic.com/machines/africa-ai-google The future of AI: Why Google is betting big on Africa] <BR>
[https://www.brookings.edu/blog/africa-in-focus/2020/01/13/the-future-is-intelligent-harnessing-the-potential-of-artificial-intelligence-in-africa/ The future is intelligent: Harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence in Africa]<BR>
[https://www.brookings.edu/blog/africa-in-focus/2020/01/13/the-future-is-intelligent-harnessing-the-potential-of-artificial-intelligence-in-africa/ The future is intelligent: Harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence in Africa]<BR>
[https://cipit.strathmore.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Final-Report-The-State-of-AI-in-Africa-Report-2023-3.pdf The State of AI in Africa Report 2023]<BR>
[https://cipit.strathmore.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/The-State-of-AI-in-Africa-A-Policy-Brief110923-1.pdf The State of AI in Africa - A Policy Brief] <BR>
=== AI Education in Africa===
=== AI Education in Africa===
[https://ai6abuja.github.io/ AI Saturdays Abuja] <BR>
[https://ai6abuja.github.io/ AI Saturdays Abuja] <BR>
[https://aisaturdayslagos.github.io/ AI Saturdays Lagos] <BR>
[https://aisaturdayslagos.github.io/ AI Saturdays Lagos] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2021 AMLD Africa 2021] Applied Machine Learning Days <BR>
[https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2021 AMLD Africa 2021] Applied Machine Learning Days <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2022 AMLD Africa 2022] Applied Machine Learning Days <BR>
[https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2022 AMLD Africa 2022] Applied Machine Learning Days <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2024 AMLD Africa 2022] Applied Machine Learning Days <BR>
[https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2024 AMLD Africa 2022] Applied Machine Learning Days <BR>
[https://online.atingi.org/enrol/index.php?id=1384 Atingi course - How to Get Involved in Artificial Intelligence]<BR>
[https://online.atingi.org/enrol/index.php?id=1384 Atingi course - How to Get Involved in Artificial Intelligence]<BR>
[https://online.atingi.org/course/view.php?id=468 Atingi course - Launchpad to Fundamental Questions of Artificial Intelligence - Part 1: What is AI?]<BR>
[https://online.atingi.org/course/view.php?id=468 Atingi course - Launchpad to Fundamental Questions of Artificial Intelligence - Part 1: What is AI?]<BR>
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Carnegie Mellon University Africa [https://www.africa.engineering.cmu.edu/ website] and [https://vimeo.com/413919491 video] <BR>
Carnegie Mellon University Africa [https://www.africa.engineering.cmu.edu/ website] and [https://vimeo.com/413919491 video] <BR>
[https://imbizo.africa/ Computational Neuroscience Imbizo] <BR>
[https://imbizo.africa/ Computational Neuroscience Imbizo] <BR>
[https://deeplearningindaba.com/2020/ Deep Learning Indaba] <BR>
[https://deeplearningindaba.com Deep Learning Indaba] <BR>
[https://medium.com/radiant-earth-insights/announcing-radiant-earths-online-course-on-machine-learning-for-earth-observation-6628515ae64e Radiant Earth's online course on machine learning for earth observation] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgDPoS3i8Tc&list=PL3QzFgBMGnbRREwZWFPpaFN1WLXKUW6a7 14 videos on YouTube] and
[https://medium.com/radiant-earth-insights/announcing-radiant-earths-online-course-on-machine-learning-for-earth-observation-6628515ae64e Radiant Earth's online course on machine learning for earth observation] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgDPoS3i8Tc&list=PL3QzFgBMGnbRREwZWFPpaFN1WLXKUW6a7 14 videos on YouTube] and
[https://github.com/RadiantMLHub/ml4eo-bootcamp-2021 materials on GitHub]<BR>
[https://github.com/RadiantMLHub/ml4eo-bootcamp-2021 materials on GitHub]<BR>
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[https://africa.ai4d.ai/about-ai4d/ The Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D Africa) program] <BR>
[https://africa.ai4d.ai/about-ai4d/ The Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D Africa) program] <BR>
[https://www.epfl.ch/research/domains/exaf/ The Excellence in Africa Initiative] <BR>
[https://www.epfl.ch/research/domains/exaf/ The Excellence in Africa Initiative] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/worldwide/africa EURAXESS Africa] <BR>
[https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_2324 European Union and African Union join forces to empower a new generation of African research talents] <BR>
[https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_2324 European Union and African Union join forces to empower a new generation of African research talents] <BR>
[https://www.k4all.org/ Knowledge for All] Global South Artificial Intelligence Directory <BR>
[https://www.k4all.org/ Knowledge for All] Global South Artificial Intelligence Directory <BR>
Line 93: Line 123:
[https://www.k4all.org/project/masakhane-mt-decolonizing-scientific-writing-for-africa/ Masakhane MT: Decolonizing Scientific Writing for Africa] <BR>
[https://www.k4all.org/project/masakhane-mt-decolonizing-scientific-writing-for-africa/ Masakhane MT: Decolonizing Scientific Writing for Africa] <BR>
[https://www.k4all.org/project/named-entity-recognition-and-parts-of-speech-datasets-for-african-languages/ Named Entity Recognition and parts of Speech Datasets for African Languages] <BR>
[https://www.k4all.org/project/named-entity-recognition-and-parts-of-speech-datasets-for-african-languages/ Named Entity Recognition and parts of Speech Datasets for African Languages] <BR>
=== Responsible AI in Africa===
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.africanobservatory.ai/about African Observatory on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (the African Observatory)] <BR>
[https://babyl.rw/ Babyl] digital health service provider in Rwanda.
===Economic Policy and Impact===
===Economic Policy and Impact===
[https://africa.ai4d.ai/ Artificial Intelligence for Development Africa] <BR>
[https://www.howwemadeitinafrica.com/additive-manufacturing-implications-african-economies/60103/ Additive manufacturing: Implications for African economies]<BR>
[https://www.howwemadeitinafrica.com/additive-manufacturing-implications-african-economies/60103/ Additive manufacturing: Implications for African economies]<BR>
[https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/ The Fourth Industrial Revolution - what it means and how to respond]<BR>
[https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/ The Fourth Industrial Revolution - what it means and how to respond]<BR>
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===Drones in Africa===
===Drones in Africa===
[https://www.tralac.org/documents/news/1978-drones-on-the-horizon-transforming-africa-s-agriculture-nepad-2018.html Drones on the Horizon: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture]<BR>
[https://www.rti.org/impact/using-satellite-images-and-artificial-intelligence-improve-agricultural-resilience AI and remote sensing in agriculture] <BR>
[https://www.rti.org/impact/using-satellite-images-and-artificial-intelligence-improve-agricultural-resilience AI and remote sensing in agriculture] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.adm7020 Bringing underserved communities life-saving aid through aerial logistics] <BR>
[https://www.tralac.org/documents/news/1978-drones-on-the-horizon-transforming-africa-s-agriculture-nepad-2018.html Drones on the Horizon: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture]<BR>
[https://www.cta.int/en/digitalisation/all/article/exploring-the-transformative-power-of-drones-in-rwanda-sid02203f45b-9846-4ecd-ba59-3d8619d9c3e4 Impact of drones in Rwanda]<BR>
[https://www.cta.int/en/digitalisation/all/article/exploring-the-transformative-power-of-drones-in-rwanda-sid02203f45b-9846-4ecd-ba59-3d8619d9c3e4 Impact of drones in Rwanda]<BR>
[https://spectrum.ieee.org/robotics/drones/in-the-air-with-ziplines-medical-delivery-drones In the Air With Zipline’s Medical Delivery Drones
 - IEEE Spectrum, April 2019]<BR>
[https://spectrum.ieee.org/robotics/drones/in-the-air-with-ziplines-medical-delivery-drones In the Air With Zipline’s Medical Delivery Drones
 - IEEE Spectrum, April 2019]<BR>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEbRVNxL44c How Rwanda Built A Drone Delivery Service]: video highlighting the engineering accomplishments of the delivery service <BR>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEbRVNxL44c How Rwanda Built A Drone Delivery Service]: video highlighting the engineering accomplishments of the delivery service <BR>
[https://databricks.com/customers/zipline Data-driven drones deliver lifesaving medical aid around the world] Databricks customer story on Zipline
[https://databricks.com/customers/zipline Data-driven drones deliver lifesaving medical aid around the world] Databricks customer story on Zipline <BR>
===AI-related Companies and Applications===
===AI-related Companies and Applications===
Line 131: Line 157:
[https://www.fenixintl.com/ Fenix International] uses predictive analytics to lend money to those who previously lacked financial services.<BR>
[https://www.fenixintl.com/ Fenix International] uses predictive analytics to lend money to those who previously lacked financial services.<BR>
[https://www.heptanalytics.com/ Hepta Analytics]<BR>
[https://www.heptanalytics.com/ Hepta Analytics]<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://iconnectpoint.com/ InterConnectPoint] tranforms manufacturing with advanced sensors and machine learning in the agri-industry, mining, oil & gas <BR>
[https://iconnectpoint.com/ InterConnectPoint] tranforms manufacturing with advanced sensors and machine learning in the agri-industry, mining, oil & gas <BR>
[https://www.icow.co.ke/ iCow] expert information on good farming practices accessed through SMS alerts <BR>
[https://www.icow.co.ke/ iCow] expert information on good farming practices accessed through SMS alerts <BR>
[https://www.mfarm.co.ke/ M-Farm] connects farmers with local buyers and provides a real-time virtual marketplace<BR>
[https://www.mfarm.co.ke/ M-Farm] connects farmers with local buyers and provides a real-time virtual marketplace<BR>
Line 145: Line 171:
===AI Research Organizations===
===AI Research Organizations===
[https://www.research.ibm.com/labs/africa/ IBM Research], Nairobi, Kenya, and Johannesburg, South Africa <BR>
[https://www.research.ibm.com/labs/africa/ IBM Research], Nairobi, Kenya, and Johannesburg, South Africa <BR>
[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/group/microsoft-africa-research-institute-mari/ Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI)], Nairobi, Kenya.
[https://www.intelliverseai.com/ Intelliverse] Pioneering Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation across Africa <BR>
[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/group/microsoft-africa-research-institute-mari/ Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI)], Nairobi, Kenya. <BR>
[https://researchictafrica.net/ Research ICT Africa] <BR>
===National AI Strategies===
===National AI Strategies===
Line 158: Line 186:
[http://vernon.eu/publications/2021_Alupo_et_al.pdf  Realizing the Potential of AI in Africa], co-authored by Charity Delmus Alupo and Daniel Omeiza, in [https://link.springer.com/book/9783031098222 Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems], M. I. Aldinhas Ferreira, O. Tokhi eds. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering. Springer, 2022.<BR>
[http://vernon.eu/publications/2021_Alupo_et_al.pdf  Realizing the Potential of AI in Africa], co-authored by Charity Delmus Alupo and Daniel Omeiza, in [https://link.springer.com/book/9783031098222 Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems], M. I. Aldinhas Ferreira, O. Tokhi eds. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering. Springer, 2022.<BR>
=== Essential Footnote ===
[https://ramagazine.ieee.org/2024/12/12/an-african-perspective-on-culturally-competent-social-robotics-why-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-matters-in-human-robot-interaction-opinion/  An African Perspective on Culturally Competent Social Robotics: Why DEI Matters in HRI], D. Vernon, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 170-200, 2024. <BR>
=== Essential Reading for Non-Africans ===
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.horstkoehler.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/On-the-impossibility-of-speaking-of-Africa-Horst-Ko%CC%88hler-2014-English-translation.pdf On the impossibility of speaking of Africa] Speech by the former President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Horst Köhler <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.horstkoehler.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/On-the-impossibility-of-speaking-of-Africa-Horst-Ko%CC%88hler-2014-English-translation.pdf On the impossibility of speaking of Africa] Speech by the former President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Horst Köhler <BR>

Latest revision as of 10:02, 10 March 2025

New.jpg signifies a recently added item

Robotics in Africa

African Robotics Network (AFRON) which is currently transitioning its identity to AfRob
African Observatory on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (the African Observatory)
African Robotics Network (AfRob) Membership Application
All-girls robotics team from Ghana wins World Robofest Championship in the U.S.
Cars4Mars African Rover Challenge: Design & build a Mars rover prototype
Culturally competent social robots target inclusion in Africa
Fundi Bots robotics for kids classes, motivating STEM education generally
Humanoid robot Sophia addresses Africa technology summit in Rwanda
ICRA@40 Africa
IRCAD in the press
MIT-Africa Robotics Boot Camp
Pan-African Robotics Competition General Overview
Pan-African Robotics Competition 2023 AgTech Challenge uses more advanced tools, e.g., ROS, Gazebo, and OpenCV, and Scout robot from AgileX.
PGuard security robots by Enova Robotics, Tunisia.
Research Institute against Digestive Cancer (IRCAD)
Robofest 2019
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 131-135, December 2019.
Robot Learning for Africa Workshop 2024 at the Deep Learning Indaba Sengal
New.jpg Robot Learning for Africa Workshop 2025 at the Deep Learning Indaba Rwanda
Robots in Africa. What does this mean for the continent?
RobotsAfrica mentor African teachers to teach African youth
Creativity Labs Robotics for Kids
Robotics in Africa Forum at IROS 2024
Robotics in Education in Africa Ayorkor Korsah, Ashesi University, Ghana, Plenary speaker at the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Ryonic Robotics
Surgical robots in operation at Tygerberg public hospital in Cape Town, South Africa.
Skybugs pest management using drone technology by Aerobotics, South Africa
Ubtech CRUZR service robot deployed to check the temperature of travellers arriving at Kigali International Airport, Rwanda.
Working with Robots as Colleagues: Kenyan Perspectives of Ethical Concerns on Possible Integration of Co-bots in Workplaces
IRCAD Africa
Responsible AI in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

Robotics & STEM Education in Africa

B.Sc. Robotics Engineering Academic City University College, Ghana
Carnegie Mellon University Africa website and video
Coderina Engaging Youth in STEM Exploration with FIRST® LEGO® League
ICRA 2015 - Robotics in Education in Africa
Keza Education Future Lab for kids aged 3 to 14
New Generation Academy
Creativity Lab STEM education using robots
The government of Rwanda enters into a partnership with ZoraBots Africa to promote STEM in Rwandan schools
RAIN: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Nigeria
Design Challenge: Call for proposals to design a robotics program and toolkit to be implemented in Rwandan school curricula and the resultant pilot program with a post on X
Ghana Robotics Academy Foundation
TechRise Rwanda

AI in Africa

Africa will be transformed by the potential of AI and data – if we can get investment
Africa Embraces AI, Robotics, and Machine Learning, Invited talk at the Int. Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards (ICRES 2020) NB: 300 MB
AI 4 Afrika
AI in Africa
AI in Africa for Sustainable Economic Development 2022 Workshop
AI in Africa : Framing AI through an African Lens
AI & Global Governance: AI in Africa is a Double-Edged Sword
AIDA Symposium: Anicia Peters talks about AI Education in Namibia (HumanE AI Net)
Alliance4AI Africa's largest AI community
New.jpg An app to detect birth asphyxia in Africa
Artificial Intelligence – how can it benefit Africa?
Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare in Africa
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deployments in Africa: Benefits, Challenges and Policy Dimensions
Artificial Intelligence Hits African Companies
Awarri Enabling AI for Africa
Black in AI
Data Science Africa
Data Scientists Network
FAIR Forward - Artificial Intelligence for All
Feeding the Machine: The Hidden Human Labour Powering AI (edited extract) and An interview with the authors
Ghana Natural Language Processing
How is A.I. Being Utilized in Africa? Mapping AI Applications across Africa
iCog Labs AI Research and Software Development
Lelapa AI
Look to Africa to advance artificial intelligence Nature 562, 461 (2018)
The Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA)
Masakhane A grassroots NLP community for Africa, by Africans
MIND Machine Intelligence and Neural Discovery Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand
Realizing the Potential of AI in Africa C. Delmus Alupo, D. Omeiza, and D. Vernon, in Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems, M. I. Aldinhas Ferreira (Ed.), Springer (2022)
Responsible AI in Africa Challenges and Opportunities; open access book from Springer (if you are short on time, read the Foreword by Mark Coeckelbergh in the Front Matter)
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa, also at IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 131-135, December 2019
New.jpg Ro'ya-CV4Africa A Grassroots Computer Vision Community for Africans and by Africans
SisonkeBiotik An open grassroots participatory community making African data science, machine learning and AI for health more accessible and inclusive
TanzaniaAI Community
The AI Invasion is Coming to Africa (and It’s a Good Thing)
The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa, African Union.
The future of AI: Why Google is betting big on Africa
The future is intelligent: Harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence in Africa
The State of AI in Africa Report 2023
The State of AI in Africa - A Policy Brief

AI Education in Africa

AI Saturdays Abuja
AI Saturdays Lagos
AMLD Africa 2021 Applied Machine Learning Days
AMLD Africa 2022 Applied Machine Learning Days
AMLD Africa 2022 Applied Machine Learning Days
Atingi course - How to Get Involved in Artificial Intelligence
Atingi course - Launchpad to Fundamental Questions of Artificial Intelligence - Part 1: What is AI?
Atingi course - Launchpad to Fundamental Questions of Artificial Intelligence - Part 2: Application of artificial intelligence in daily life
Atingi course - Launchpad to Fundamental Questions of Artificial Intelligence - Part 3: Risks
Atingi course - Launchpad to Fundamental Questions of Artificial Intelligence - Part 4: Opportunities and Outlook
Atingi course - Artificial Intelligence for Development
Atingi course - Artificial Intelligence for All: Open AI Training Data for African Languages
Atingi course - Artificial Intelligence for All: How to prepare open training data and share it for re-use by others following international standards
Atingi course - Artificial Intelligence for All: How to eliminate or mitigate biases in Artificial Intelligence training data
Atingi course - Artificial Intelligence for All: How to Create and Sustain Open AI Image Training Data
Atingi course - Artificial Intelligence for All: Open AI Training Data for Earth Observation
Atingi course - Machine Learning on Earth Observation: ML4EO Bootcamp based on Radiant Earth's online course below
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Master’s in Machine Intelligence (AIMMI)
Carnegie Mellon University Africa website and video
Computational Neuroscience Imbizo
Deep Learning Indaba
Radiant Earth's online course on machine learning for earth observation 14 videos on YouTube and materials on GitHub
TReND-CaMinA: Computational Neuroscience and Machine learning in Africa

Research Funding Opportunities

AI4D Scholarships Enhancing Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D Africa) program
The Excellence in Africa Initiative
New.jpg EURAXESS Africa
European Union and African Union join forces to empower a new generation of African research talents
Knowledge for All Global South Artificial Intelligence Directory
Cracking the Language Barrier for a Multilingual Africa
Masakhane MT: Decolonizing Scientific Writing for Africa
Named Entity Recognition and parts of Speech Datasets for African Languages

Economic Policy and Impact

Artificial Intelligence for Development Africa
Additive manufacturing: Implications for African economies
The Fourth Industrial Revolution - what it means and how to respond
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and digitization will transform Africa into a global powerhouse
National AI policies and strategies
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - Technology and Innovation Report 2021
Robots and Industrialization in Developing Countries
The Rise of the Robot Reserve Army: Automation and the Future of Economic Development, Work, and Wages in Developing Countries
Industry 4.0 - Is Africa ready for the march of the robots?
Artificial intelligence for Africa: an opportunity for growth, development, and democratization
Policy innovation for transforming Africa’s food system with digital technologies
Digitalisation and the future of African manufacturing: Briefing paper
Digitalisation and the future of African manufacturing.
Technology at Work v2.0 The Future Is Not What It Used to Be
Premature Deindustrialization
Could 3D printing revolutionize manufacturing in Africa and the Middle East?

Drones in Africa

AI and remote sensing in agriculture
New.jpg Bringing underserved communities life-saving aid through aerial logistics
Drones on the Horizon: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture
Impact of drones in Rwanda
In the Air With Zipline’s Medical Delivery Drones
 - IEEE Spectrum, April 2019
How Rwanda Built A Drone Delivery Service: video highlighting the engineering accomplishments of the delivery service
Data-driven drones deliver lifesaving medical aid around the world Databricks customer story on Zipline

AI-related Companies and Applications

Digital Umuganda
Electricity Growth and Use in Developing Economies (e-GUIDE) Initiative uses deep learning, data analytics, and satellite imagery to predict energy demand and consumption.
Fenix International uses predictive analytics to lend money to those who previously lacked financial services.
Hepta Analytics
InterConnectPoint tranforms manufacturing with advanced sensors and machine learning in the agri-industry, mining, oil & gas
iCow expert information on good farming practices accessed through SMS alerts
M-Farm connects farmers with local buyers and provides a real-time virtual marketplace
Notto a mobile app that acquires images of rent receipts and automatically constructs a credit-worthiness profile of clients which they can use in support of loan and mortgage applications.
Professional Drone Services and Analytics
Six artificial intelligence startups in Africa to look out for
Smile Identity Real-time digital Know Your Customer (KYC) identity verification, user onboarding, and user authentication across Africa.
Third Eye Water
Charis UAS Unmanned Aerial Solutions
Ubenwa a mobile app that analyses the cry sounds of a newborn to detect early signs of perinatal asphyxia; Charles Onu, Founder and Research Lead; Birth of an Idea: The Ubenwa Story
Ulima all-in-one app for pre- to post-harvest farming, providing tailored and step-by-step assistance to farmers

AI Research Organizations

IBM Research, Nairobi, Kenya, and Johannesburg, South Africa
Intelliverse Pioneering Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation across Africa
Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI), Nairobi, Kenya.
Research ICT Africa

National AI Strategies

The Future Society National AI Strategies for Inclusive & Sustainable Development.
The Future Society The Development of Rwanda’s National Artificial Intelligence Policy.


Some of these issues are discussed in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 131-135, December 2019.

Others are highlighted in an invited talk "Africa Embraces AI, Robotics, and Machine Learning" (300 MB) given at ICRES 2020, the International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards, Taipei, September 2020.

Realizing the Potential of AI in Africa, co-authored by Charity Delmus Alupo and Daniel Omeiza, in Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems, M. I. Aldinhas Ferreira, O. Tokhi eds. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering. Springer, 2022.

An African Perspective on Culturally Competent Social Robotics: Why DEI Matters in HRI, D. Vernon, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 170-200, 2024.

Essential Reading for Non-Africans

New.jpg On the impossibility of speaking of Africa Speech by the former President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Horst Köhler