Current page: Information->Indexed and Annotated Bibliography
ECVision indexed and annotated bibliography of cognitive computer vision publications
This bibliography was created by Hilary Buxton and Benoit Gaillard, University of Sussex, as part of ECVision Specific Action 8-1
The complete text version of this BibTeX file is available here: ECVision_bibliography.bib

M. Markou and S. Singh and M. Sharma
Neural network analysis of {MINERVA} scene analysis benchmark


Scene analysis is an important area of research with the aim of identifying objects and their relationships in natural scenes. MINERVA benchmark has been recently introduced in this area for testing different image processing and classification schemes. In this paper we present results on the classification of eight natural objects in the complete set of 448 natural images using neural networks. An exhaustive set of experiments with this benchmark has been conducted using four different segmentation methods and five texture-based feature extraction methods. The results in this paper show the performance of a neural network classifier on a ten fold cross-validation task. On the basis of the results produced, we are able to rank how well different image segmentation algorithms are suited to the task of region of interest identification in these images, and we also see how well texture extraction algorithms rank on the basis of classification results.

Site generated on Friday, 06 January 2006