Current page: Information->Reimbursement of Costs->Six-Monthly Cost Statements


A consolidated cost statement must be submitted every six months. This short claim period will help ensure that members get reimbursed for labour costs as quickly as possible.

Consolidated cost statements are submitted to the Commission by the coordinator on the basis of individual cost statements submitted by each member. Cost statements only include labour costs; you don't need to submit a cost statement for travel, computing, and other specific costs which should have already been reimbursed directly by the coordinator.

If you have incurred an approved labour cost, please download and complete the following cost statement.

ECVision Annex II Part E - Model Cost Statement

Once it is complete and signed, please post it to:

David Vernon
ECVision Network Coordinator
3 St. James' Terrace
Co. Dublin

Site generated on Friday, 06 January 2006