Current page: Information->Indexed and Annotated Bibliography
F. Schaffalitzky and A. Zisserman
We describe progress in matching shots which are images of the same 3D scene in a film. The problem is hard because the camera viewpoint may change substantially between shots, with consequent changes in the imaged appearance of the scene due to foreshortening, scale changes and partial occlusion. We demonstrate that wide baseline matching techniques can be successfully employed for this task by matching key frames between shots. The wide baseline method represents each frame by a set of viewpoint invariant local feature vectors. The local spatial support of the features means that segmentation of the frame (e.g. into foreground/background) is not required, and partial occlusion is tolerated. Results of matching shots for a number of different scene types are illustrated on a commercial film. 
ECVision indexed and annotated bibliography of cognitive computer vision publications
This bibliography was created by Hilary Buxton and Benoit Gaillard, University of Sussex, as part of ECVision Specific Action 8-1
The complete text version of this BibTeX file is available here: ECVision_bibliography.bib
Automated Scene Matching in MoviesSite generated on Friday, 06 January 2006