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[[File:new.jpg]] signifies a recently added item
== What is Cognition? ==
== General Information ==
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/definitions.htm 42 definitions of cognition] ... it has proved difficult to define cognition: read Aaron Sloman's argument that it isn't worth trying (go to the end of the article) <BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/publications/14_Vernon_Cognitive_System.pdf A definition of a cognitive system] from the [http://www.springer.com/computer/image+processing/book/978-0-387-30771-8 Springer Reference Guide to Computer Vision] <BR>
[https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdf/S0960-9822(19)30614-1.pdf What is Cognition?] in Current Biology 29, R603-R622, 2019 <BR>
[http://vernon.eu/publications/2021_Sandini_et_al.pdf Cognitive Robotics], Sandini et al., in Encyclopedia of Robotics, M. Ang, O. Khatib, and B. Siciliano (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, in press.
=== Overview Articles ===
== Robots ==
=== Topic Briefings ===
[https://robots.ieee.org/ IEEE Guide to the World of Robots]
== Symposia and Workshops ==
[http://www.aicworkshopseries.org/ AIC - Artificial Intelligence and Cognition International Workshop Series] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://transair-bridge.org/workshop-2021/ Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents], 2021, with videos of 15 short talks by leading experts <BR>
[http://ifrr.org/cognitive-robotics International Foundation for Robotics Research Colloquium on Cognitive Robotics], 8 October 2020;  the video proceedings are [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKB9m4hOjlc&feature=youtu.be here] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://ease-crc.org/teaching-cognitive-robotics/ Teaching & Training Students for Cognitive Robotics, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems], IROS, Detroit, USA, 1-5 October, 2023 <BR>
[https://visca.engin.umich.edu/ Virtual International Symposium on Cognitive Architecture (VISCA 2021)], with videos and slides, including a session on robot cognitive architectures.<BR>
== Cognitive Architectures ==
=== Design Principles Articles ===
[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212683X12000084 Design principles for biologically inspired cognitive robotics] <BR>
[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2212683X16300822 Desiderata for Developmental Cognitive Architectures]<BR>
[https://www.aaai.org/ojs/index.php/aimagazine/article/view/2744 A Standard Model of the Mind], now referred to as a [http://sm.ict.usc.edu/ Common Model of Cognition]
=== Survey Articles ===
[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10462-018-9646-y I. Kotseruba and J. Tsotsos (2020). 40 years of cognitive architectures: core cognitive abilities and practical applications] <BR>
[http://jtl.lassonde.yorku.ca/project/cognitive_architectures_survey/  Companion website for 40 years of cognitive architectures: core cognitive abilities and practical applications] <BR>
[http://bicasociety.org/cogarch/architectures.htm Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society (BICA) comparison of 25 cognitive architectures] <BR>
[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925231210003498 B. Goertzl et al. (2010). A world survey of artificial brain projects, Part II: Biologically inspired cognitive architectures] <BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/publications/2010_Vernon_vonHofsten_Fadiga_COSMOS_Cognitive_Architectures.pdf Summaries of twenty cognitive architectures] from D. Vernon, C. von Hofsten, and L. Fadiga. "A Roadmap for Cognitive Development in Humanoid Robots", Cognitive Systems Monographs (COSMOS), Vol. 11, Springer, 2010.
=== Individual Architecture Articles  ===
<!-- ==== Symbolic / Cognitivist ==== -->
<!-- ==== Emergent ==== -->
<!-- ==== Hybrid ==== -->
MECA [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212683X17301068#:~:text=Basically%20MECA%20promotes%20an%20hybridism,conceptual%20spaces%20and%20grounded%20cognition The Multipurpose Enhanced Cognitive Architecture (MECA)] <BR>
MECA [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050918300267 An Overview of the Multipurpose Enhanced Cognitive Architecture (MECA)]<BR>
iCub [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2016.00024/full The iCub Software Architecture: Evolution and Lessons Learned]; not a cognitive architecture but relevant to the system architecture / software architecture aspects relevant to the implementation of a cognitive architecture. <BR>
iCub [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2018.00022/full iCub-HRI: A Software Framework for Complex Human–Robot Interaction Scenarios on the iCub Humanoid Robot] ibid. <BR>
=== Websites ===
'''Symbolic / Cognitivist''' <BR>
[http://www.sfu.ca/~jbmaxwel/MusiCog/index.html  MusiCog]
[http://compneuro.uwaterloo.ca/research/spa.html SPA (Semantic Pointer Architecture)] in [https://www.nengo.ai/nengo-spa/user-guide/spa-intro.html Nengo]
[http://act-r.psy.cmu.edu/ ACT-R]<BR>
[https://sites.google.com/site/drronsun/clarion CLARION] <BR>
[http://cram-system.org/cram CRAM]<BR>
[https://www.iit.it/web/icog The iCog Initiative] <BR>
[http://ccrg.cs.memphis.edu/tutorial/index.html LIDA] <BR>
[https://soar.eecs.umich.edu/ Soar] <BR>
=== Presentations, Talks, Lectures ===
[https://medium.com/syncedreview/yann-lecun-cake-analogy-2-0-a361da560dae Yann LeCun Cake Analogy 2.0] <BR>
'''Lectures from [http://www.cognitiverobotics.net Cognitive Robotics] at [http://www.cognitiverobotics.net www.cognitiverobotics.net] '''<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/cognitive_robotics/CR07-01.pdf Module 7, Lecture 1. Role and requirements; desirable characteristics; core cognitive abilities.]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/cognitive_robotics/CR07-02.pdf Module 7, Lecture 2. Cognitive architectures: Example cognitive architectures: Example cognitive architectures: Soar, ACT-R, CLARION, ICARUS, BBD, ISAC.]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/cognitive_robotics/CR07-03.pdf Module 7, Lecture 3. The CRAM cognitive architecture: design principles; structure.]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/cognitive_robotics/CR07-04.pdf Module 7, Lecture 4. The CRAM cognitive architecture: operation.]<BR>
'''Lectures from [http://www.vernon.eu/ACS.htm Artificial Cognitive Systems] at [http://www.vernon.eu/ACS.htm www.vernon.eu/ACS.htm] '''<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/ACS/ACS_07.pdf Lecture 7: Cognitive Architectures 1: What is a cognitive architecture? Desirable characteristics. Designing a cognitive architecture.]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/ACS/ACS_08.pdf Lecture 8: Cognitive Architectures 2: Example cognitive architectures: Soar, ACT/R, ICARUS, Global Workspace, SASE, Darwin.]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/ACS/ACS_09.pdf Lecture 9: Cognitive Architectures 3: Example cognitive architectures: ISAC.]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/ACS/ACS_10.pdf Lecture 10: Cognitive Architectures 4: Example cognitive architectures: CLARION.]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/ACS/ACS_11.pdf Lecture 11: Cognitive Architectures 5: Example cognitive architectures: CRAM. The Common Model of Cognition.]<BR>
=== Videos ===
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3gIV81GYm4 iCub Explained] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAG3XkkXH1A Automata: movement and states of consciousness]. Compelling demonstrations of the impact of motion on the way humans understand other agents. <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://transair-bridge.org/workshop-2021/ Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents]: a collection of 15 talks from leading experts <BR>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s0CpRfyYp8 The real reason for brains] featuring Daniel Wolpert <BR>
[https://youtu.be/2pNsfBj7XSA Open Research and the Soar Cognitive Architecture] featuring John Laird <BR>
[https://youtu.be/0uJN-jRb7J4 Tutorial on the CRAM Cognitive Architecture] featuring Gayane Kazhoyan <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://youtu.be/L__g-oNuEQs EASE Milestone Robot Demo] and a related IEEE Spectrum article: [https://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/home-robots/hard-for-robots-autonomous-household-chores  "It’s (Still) Really Hard for Robots to Autonomously Do Household Chores"] <BR>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrnoY6J8ddE&feature=youtu.be EASE Milestone Spoon Challenge] <BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition_Elizabeth_Spelke.mp4 Core Knowledge of Number and Geometry] featuring Elizabeth Spelke at [http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/inaugural.htm the inaugural meeting] of [http://www.eucognition.org euCognition] in 2006<BR>
[https://www.eva.mpg.de/psycho/publications-and-videos/study-videos/ Videos] from the Warneken and Tomasello (2006) paper on altruistic helping in human infants and young chimpanzees: Science, 311, 1301-1303. <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://eu-robotics.net/video-eurobin-advancing-cognition-enabled-transferable-embodied-ai/ euROBIN – Advancing Cognition-Enabled Transferable Embodied AI] featuring Michael Beetz<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhWwoaoxIyc How the body shapes the way we think] Rolf Pfeifer at TEDxZurich
== Research ==
=== Research Challenges ===
[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbot.2018.00034/full Social Cognition for Human-Robot Symbiosis—Challenges and Building Blocks]<BR>
[https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0278364918770733 The limits and potentials of deep learning for robotics]<BR>
[https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioral-and-brain-sciences/article/building-machines-that-learn-and-think-like-people/A9535B1D745A0377E16C590E14B94993 Building machines that learn and think like people]<BR>
[http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/cogaff/gc/controversies.html Controversies in Cognitive Systems Research]<BR>
[http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/cogaff/misc/meta-requirements.html A First Draft Analysis of Some Meta-Requirements for Cognitive Systems in Robots]
=== Knowledge-based Approaches ===
[https://daniel86.github.io/KER-robot-ontologies/ Ontology-based Approaches to Robot Autonomy]<BR>
[https://ease-crc.github.io/soma/ Socio-physical Models of Activities (SOMA)]
=== Dynamic Field Theory ===
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://dynamicfieldtheory.org Dynamic Field Theory]<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbot.2016.00014/full Developing Dynamic Field Theory Architectures for Embodied Cognitive Systems with cedar]<BR>
=== Robot Platforms ===
[https://ease-crc.org/ openEASE] Open Knowledge for AI-Enabled Robots<BR>
[http://www.icub.org iCub] open source cognitive humanoid robotic platform
=== Research Networks ===
[http://www.ieee-coro.org/ TC-CORO: IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Robotics]<BR>
[http://www.eucognition.org EUCog: European Society for Cognitive Systems]<BR>
[http://bicasociety.org BICA: Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society]
=== White Papers ===
=== White Papers ===
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/(en)/ZiF/FG/2019Behavior/ Cognitive Behavior of Humans, Animals, and Machines: Situation Model Perspectives] <BR>
[http://www.kutayzorlu.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Computing_Cognition_WhitePaper.pdf Computing, cognition and the future of knowing] John Kelly, Senior Vice President, IBM Research and Solutions Portfolio. <BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/network_actions/NA057-1_outcome.pdf Dynamic Field Theory (DFT): Applications in Cognitive Science and Robotics]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/network_actions/NA149-1_outcome.pdf Observing Human Behaviour in Image Sequences: The Video-Hermeneutic Challenge]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/network_actions/NA018-1_outcome.pdf Cognitive Ontologies: Mapping Structure and Function of the Brain from a Systemic View]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/papers/Pezzulo08.pdf Coordinating with the Future: the Anticipatory Nature of Representation]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/network_actions/NA097-3_outcome.pdf Communication and Distributed Control in Multi-Agent Systems: Preliminary Model of Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MAV) Swarms]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/enactive_AI_white_paper.pdf Enactive Artificial Intelligence]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/coevolution_white_paper.pdf CoEvolutionary Approaches in Cognitive Robotic Systems Design]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/asm-whitepaper-final-060804.pdf Action Selection for Intelligent Systems] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/einrichtungen/zif/groups/previous/archive-rg/2019cognitive-behavior/index.xml Cognitive Behavior of Humans, Animals, and Machines: Situation Model Perspectives]<BR>
=== Classic Papers ===
[[File:new.jpg]] [http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Tolman/Maps/maps Cognitive Maps in Rats and Men] (if you are short of time, read the first paragraph and then the text at the end, after the last figure)
=== Journals ===
[http://cis.ieee.org/publications/131-ieee-transactions-on-cognitive-and-developmental-systems IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems]<BR>
[http://www.journals.elsevier.com/cognitive-systems-research Cognitive Systems Research] <BR>
[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/2212683X Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures]<BR>
[https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/ccs/info/about Cognitive Computation and Systems]
=== Books ===
[https://www.apress.com/us/book/9783319975498 Cognitive Architectures] by M. Ferreira, J. Sequeira, and R. Ventura (Eds.)
=== Research Centers and Labs ===
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.ipa.fraunhofer.de/en/expertise/robot-and-assistive-systems/center_cognitive_robotics.html Center for Cognitive Robotics] Fraunhofer IPA, Germany <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://ruiliurobotics.weebly.com/ Cognitive Robotics and AI Lab] Kent University, USA <BR>
== Software Resources ==
[https://ease-crc.org/ EASE - Everyday Activity Science and Engineering]: Open Knowledge for AI-Enabled Robots<BR>
[http://cram-system.org/cram CRAM: Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine]<BR>
[http://knowrob.org KnowRob]: Knowledge Processing for Robots<BR>
[http://www.clarioncognitivearchitecture.com/ The CLARION Cognitive Architecture Project]<BR>
[http://www.openbecca.org/ BECCA]: Brain-Emulating Cognition and Control Architecture<BR>
[https://sourceforge.net/projects/a-k-i-r-a/ AKIRA]: C++ development framework to build cognitive architectures and complex artificial intelligent agents<BR>
[http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/ai/AmonI-sw.html AmonI]: Artificial Models of Natural Intelligence] <BR>
[http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/cosy/cast/ CAST]: The CoSy Architecture Schema Toolkit<BR>
[http://wiki.icub.org/yarp/ YARP]: Yet Another Robot Platform.<BR>
[http://www.ros.org ROS]: Robot Operating System
== Datasets ==
[https://www.uni-bremen.de/en/csl/projects/current-projects/ease EASE - Everyday Activity Science and Engineering] <BR>
[https://askforalfred.com/ ALFRED] Benchmark for Interpreting Grounded Instructions for Everyday Tasks
== Ethics ==
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ukgwa/20210701125353/https://epsrc.ukri.org/research/ourportfolio/themes/engineering/activities/principlesofrobotics/ Principles of Robotics] <BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://clawar.org/icres2023/ International Conference Series on Robot Ethics and Standards] <BR>
== Summer Schools ==
[http://cognitive-robotics17.csail.mit.edu/ 1st Summer School on Cognitive Robotics] MIT 2017<BR>
[http://cognitive-robotics.csail.mit.edu/ 2nd Summer School on Cognitive Robotics] MIT 2018<BR>
[https://sites.usc.edu/cognitive-robotics/ 3rd Summer School on Cognitive Robotics] USC 2019<BR>
[https://ease-crc.org/ease-fall-school-2021/ EASE Fall School 2021] Cognition-enabled Robot Manipulation<BR>
[https://ease-crc.org/ease-fall-school-2022/ EASE Fall School 2022] Cognition-enabled Robot Manipulation
== Teaching Resources ==
== Industrial and Application Issues  ==
=== Learning Environments ===
=== Outreach Initiatives ===
[[File:new.jpg]] [http://intel4coro.ai.uni-bremen.de/ Interactive Learning Environment for Cognitive Robotics (INTEL4CORO)]
=== Tutorials ===
== Research Material ==
[https://www.ieee-ras.org/publications/ram IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine Tutorials]<BR>
[https://www.eucognition.org/index.php?page=tutorial-on-embodiment Tutorial on Embodiment]<BR>
[https://www.eucognition.org/uploads/docs/Tutorials/control-engineering-of-autonomous-cognitive-vehicles---a-practical-tutorial.pdf Control engineering of autonomous cognitive vehicles - a practical tutorial]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/papers/ErlhagenBicho06.pdf The dynamic neural field approach to cognitive robotics]<BR>
[http://www.robotics-school.org/ Neuronal Dynamics Approaches to Cognitive Robotics]<BR>
=== Bibliography ===
=== Books ===
===  Software Resources ===
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.human-robot-interaction.org/ Human-Robot Interaction - An Introduction] An online textbook by C. Bartneck, T. Belpaeme, F. Eyssel, T. Kanda, M. Keijsers, and S. Šabanović
=== Model Curricula ===
== Education ==
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/cogsys_curriculum.pdf euCognition Cognitive Systems Model Curriculum]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/MSc_in_Cognitive_Systems_Model_Curriculum.pdf University of Skövde MSc in Cognitive Systems Model Curriculum]
=== On-line Courses ===
=== Courses ===
=== Summer Schools ===
[http://www.vernon.eu/cognitive_robotics/index.htm Introduction to Cognitive Robotics] (www.cognitiverobotics.net)<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/ACS.htm Artificial Cognitive Systems]; teaching material for [http://vernon.eu/publications/14_Vernon_Artificial_Cognitive_Systems_Preamble.pdf Artificial Cognitive Systems - A Primer], [http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/artificial-cognitive-systems MIT Press], 2014; click '''[[Artificial Cognitive Systems|here]]''' for additional support material.<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/ECVision/education/On-line_Cognitive_Vision_Course.htm Cognitive Computer Vision]<BR>
[https://www.theconstructsim.com/ The Construct] A Platform to Learn/Teach Robotics from Zero ... everything from robotics theory to ROS based robot programming <BR>
[http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/brain-and-cognitive-sciences/9-66j-computational-cognitive-science-fall-2004/lecture-notes/ MIT Open Courseware: Computational Cognitive Science]<BR>
[https://cbmm.mit.edu/learning-hub MIT Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM) Science of Intelligence Learning Hub] <BR>
[http://ais.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/ss11/robotics/ Introduction to Mobile Robotics] University of Freiburg <BR>
[https://asl.ethz.ch/education/lectures/autonomous_mobile_robots/spring-2019.html Autonomous Mobile Robots] ETH Z&uuml;rich
=== Model Syllabus ===
== Degrees in Cognitive Systems ==
=== Course Material ===
=== Exchanges and Visits ===
The following is a sample of the Master-level degrees that are available in cognitive systems.
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.ouc.ac.cy/index.php/en/studies/master/cos Open University of Cyprus  and University of Cyprus] Joint Master's Degree Program in Cognitive Systems (120 ECTS) <BR>
[https://his.se/en/education/informatics/human-robot-interaction-masters-programme-mrima/ University of Skövde, Sweden] Human-Robot Interaction (120 ECTS) <BR>
[http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/postgraduate/courses/taught/psych/computation-neuro-cognitive-robotics.aspx University of Birmingham] Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics MSc <BR>
[http://www.upf.edu/postgrau/en/technology/presentacio/ Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain] Interdisciplinary Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media (60 ECTS)<BR>
[http://www.in.tum.de/fuer-studieninteressierte/master-studiengaenge/robotics-cognition-intelligence.html Technical University of Munich] Robotics, Cognition, and Intelligence<BR>
[http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/dcs/teaching/pgcourses/cogsys-msc/ University of Warwick] M.Sc. in Cognitive Systems<BR>
[http://www.degrees.uzh.ch/studiengang.php?CG_SAP_id=50332893&SC_SAP_id=50332888&lang=en University of Zurich] Master of Science in Informatics: Field of study Multimodal and Cognitive Systems<BR>
=== MSc Courses ===
== Research Networks and Societies ==
=== PhD Programmes ===
[http://www.ieee-coro.org/ TC-CORO: IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Robotics]<BR>
[http://www.vernon.eu/euCognition/index.htm euCognition: European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems].  This network was the first in a series of three networks, culminating in EUCog below.<BR>
[http://www.eucognition.org EUCog: European Society for Cognitive Systems]<BR>
[http://bicasociety.org BICA: Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society]<BR>
[http://www.esscs.org/index.php ESSCS: European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems]<BR>

Latest revision as of 23:55, 20 November 2023

New.jpg signifies a recently added item

What is Cognition?

42 definitions of cognition ... it has proved difficult to define cognition: read Aaron Sloman's argument that it isn't worth trying (go to the end of the article)
A definition of a cognitive system from the Springer Reference Guide to Computer Vision
What is Cognition? in Current Biology 29, R603-R622, 2019
Cognitive Robotics, Sandini et al., in Encyclopedia of Robotics, M. Ang, O. Khatib, and B. Siciliano (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, in press.


IEEE Guide to the World of Robots

Symposia and Workshops

AIC - Artificial Intelligence and Cognition International Workshop Series
New.jpg Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents, 2021, with videos of 15 short talks by leading experts
International Foundation for Robotics Research Colloquium on Cognitive Robotics, 8 October 2020; the video proceedings are here
New.jpg Teaching & Training Students for Cognitive Robotics, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Detroit, USA, 1-5 October, 2023
Virtual International Symposium on Cognitive Architecture (VISCA 2021), with videos and slides, including a session on robot cognitive architectures.

Cognitive Architectures

Design Principles Articles

Design principles for biologically inspired cognitive robotics
Desiderata for Developmental Cognitive Architectures
A Standard Model of the Mind, now referred to as a Common Model of Cognition

Survey Articles

I. Kotseruba and J. Tsotsos (2020). 40 years of cognitive architectures: core cognitive abilities and practical applications
Companion website for 40 years of cognitive architectures: core cognitive abilities and practical applications
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society (BICA) comparison of 25 cognitive architectures
B. Goertzl et al. (2010). A world survey of artificial brain projects, Part II: Biologically inspired cognitive architectures
Summaries of twenty cognitive architectures from D. Vernon, C. von Hofsten, and L. Fadiga. "A Roadmap for Cognitive Development in Humanoid Robots", Cognitive Systems Monographs (COSMOS), Vol. 11, Springer, 2010.

Individual Architecture Articles

MECA The Multipurpose Enhanced Cognitive Architecture (MECA)
MECA An Overview of the Multipurpose Enhanced Cognitive Architecture (MECA)
iCub The iCub Software Architecture: Evolution and Lessons Learned; not a cognitive architecture but relevant to the system architecture / software architecture aspects relevant to the implementation of a cognitive architecture.
iCub iCub-HRI: A Software Framework for Complex Human–Robot Interaction Scenarios on the iCub Humanoid Robot ibid.


Symbolic / Cognitivist

SPA (Semantic Pointer Architecture) in Nengo

The iCog Initiative

Presentations, Talks, Lectures

Yann LeCun Cake Analogy 2.0

Lectures from Cognitive Robotics at www.cognitiverobotics.net
Module 7, Lecture 1. Role and requirements; desirable characteristics; core cognitive abilities.
Module 7, Lecture 2. Cognitive architectures: Example cognitive architectures: Example cognitive architectures: Soar, ACT-R, CLARION, ICARUS, BBD, ISAC.
Module 7, Lecture 3. The CRAM cognitive architecture: design principles; structure.
Module 7, Lecture 4. The CRAM cognitive architecture: operation.

Lectures from Artificial Cognitive Systems at www.vernon.eu/ACS.htm
Lecture 7: Cognitive Architectures 1: What is a cognitive architecture? Desirable characteristics. Designing a cognitive architecture.
Lecture 8: Cognitive Architectures 2: Example cognitive architectures: Soar, ACT/R, ICARUS, Global Workspace, SASE, Darwin.
Lecture 9: Cognitive Architectures 3: Example cognitive architectures: ISAC.
Lecture 10: Cognitive Architectures 4: Example cognitive architectures: CLARION.
Lecture 11: Cognitive Architectures 5: Example cognitive architectures: CRAM. The Common Model of Cognition.


New.jpg iCub Explained
New.jpg Automata: movement and states of consciousness. Compelling demonstrations of the impact of motion on the way humans understand other agents.
New.jpg Cognitive Architectures for Robot Agents: a collection of 15 talks from leading experts
The real reason for brains featuring Daniel Wolpert
Open Research and the Soar Cognitive Architecture featuring John Laird
Tutorial on the CRAM Cognitive Architecture featuring Gayane Kazhoyan
New.jpg EASE Milestone Robot Demo and a related IEEE Spectrum article: "It’s (Still) Really Hard for Robots to Autonomously Do Household Chores"
EASE Milestone Spoon Challenge
Core Knowledge of Number and Geometry featuring Elizabeth Spelke at the inaugural meeting of euCognition in 2006
Videos from the Warneken and Tomasello (2006) paper on altruistic helping in human infants and young chimpanzees: Science, 311, 1301-1303.
New.jpg euROBIN – Advancing Cognition-Enabled Transferable Embodied AI featuring Michael Beetz
New.jpg How the body shapes the way we think Rolf Pfeifer at TEDxZurich


Research Challenges

Social Cognition for Human-Robot Symbiosis—Challenges and Building Blocks
The limits and potentials of deep learning for robotics
Building machines that learn and think like people
Controversies in Cognitive Systems Research
A First Draft Analysis of Some Meta-Requirements for Cognitive Systems in Robots

Knowledge-based Approaches

Ontology-based Approaches to Robot Autonomy
Socio-physical Models of Activities (SOMA)

Dynamic Field Theory

New.jpg Dynamic Field Theory
New.jpg Developing Dynamic Field Theory Architectures for Embodied Cognitive Systems with cedar

Robot Platforms

openEASE Open Knowledge for AI-Enabled Robots
iCub open source cognitive humanoid robotic platform

Research Networks

TC-CORO: IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Robotics
EUCog: European Society for Cognitive Systems
BICA: Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society

White Papers

New.jpg Cognitive Behavior of Humans, Animals, and Machines: Situation Model Perspectives
Computing, cognition and the future of knowing John Kelly, Senior Vice President, IBM Research and Solutions Portfolio.
Dynamic Field Theory (DFT): Applications in Cognitive Science and Robotics
Observing Human Behaviour in Image Sequences: The Video-Hermeneutic Challenge
Cognitive Ontologies: Mapping Structure and Function of the Brain from a Systemic View
Coordinating with the Future: the Anticipatory Nature of Representation
Communication and Distributed Control in Multi-Agent Systems: Preliminary Model of Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MAV) Swarms
Enactive Artificial Intelligence
CoEvolutionary Approaches in Cognitive Robotic Systems Design
Action Selection for Intelligent Systems
New.jpg Cognitive Behavior of Humans, Animals, and Machines: Situation Model Perspectives

Classic Papers

New.jpg Cognitive Maps in Rats and Men (if you are short of time, read the first paragraph and then the text at the end, after the last figure)


IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems
Cognitive Systems Research
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures
Cognitive Computation and Systems


Cognitive Architectures by M. Ferreira, J. Sequeira, and R. Ventura (Eds.)

Research Centers and Labs

New.jpg Center for Cognitive Robotics Fraunhofer IPA, Germany
New.jpg Cognitive Robotics and AI Lab Kent University, USA

Software Resources

EASE - Everyday Activity Science and Engineering: Open Knowledge for AI-Enabled Robots
CRAM: Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine
KnowRob: Knowledge Processing for Robots
The CLARION Cognitive Architecture Project
BECCA: Brain-Emulating Cognition and Control Architecture
AKIRA: C++ development framework to build cognitive architectures and complex artificial intelligent agents
AmonI: Artificial Models of Natural Intelligence]
CAST: The CoSy Architecture Schema Toolkit
YARP: Yet Another Robot Platform.
ROS: Robot Operating System


EASE - Everyday Activity Science and Engineering
ALFRED Benchmark for Interpreting Grounded Instructions for Everyday Tasks


New.jpg Principles of Robotics
New.jpg International Conference Series on Robot Ethics and Standards

Summer Schools

1st Summer School on Cognitive Robotics MIT 2017
2nd Summer School on Cognitive Robotics MIT 2018
3rd Summer School on Cognitive Robotics USC 2019
EASE Fall School 2021 Cognition-enabled Robot Manipulation
EASE Fall School 2022 Cognition-enabled Robot Manipulation

Teaching Resources

Learning Environments

New.jpg Interactive Learning Environment for Cognitive Robotics (INTEL4CORO)


IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine Tutorials
Tutorial on Embodiment
Control engineering of autonomous cognitive vehicles - a practical tutorial
The dynamic neural field approach to cognitive robotics
Neuronal Dynamics Approaches to Cognitive Robotics


New.jpg Human-Robot Interaction - An Introduction An online textbook by C. Bartneck, T. Belpaeme, F. Eyssel, T. Kanda, M. Keijsers, and S. Šabanović

Model Curricula

euCognition Cognitive Systems Model Curriculum
University of Skövde MSc in Cognitive Systems Model Curriculum


Introduction to Cognitive Robotics (www.cognitiverobotics.net)
Artificial Cognitive Systems; teaching material for Artificial Cognitive Systems - A Primer, MIT Press, 2014; click here for additional support material.
Cognitive Computer Vision
The Construct A Platform to Learn/Teach Robotics from Zero ... everything from robotics theory to ROS based robot programming
MIT Open Courseware: Computational Cognitive Science
MIT Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM) Science of Intelligence Learning Hub
Introduction to Mobile Robotics University of Freiburg
Autonomous Mobile Robots ETH Zürich

Degrees in Cognitive Systems

The following is a sample of the Master-level degrees that are available in cognitive systems.

New.jpg Open University of Cyprus and University of Cyprus Joint Master's Degree Program in Cognitive Systems (120 ECTS)
University of Skövde, Sweden Human-Robot Interaction (120 ECTS)
University of Birmingham Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics MSc
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain Interdisciplinary Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media (60 ECTS)
Technical University of Munich Robotics, Cognition, and Intelligence
University of Warwick M.Sc. in Cognitive Systems
University of Zurich Master of Science in Informatics: Field of study Multimodal and Cognitive Systems

Research Networks and Societies

TC-CORO: IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Robotics
euCognition: European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems. This network was the first in a series of three networks, culminating in EUCog below.
EUCog: European Society for Cognitive Systems
BICA: Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society
ESSCS: European Society for the Study of Cognitive Systems