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(File:new.jpg Ireland)
(Writing - Grammar, Composition, Style)
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[http://www.openculture.com/2013/02/seven_tips_from_ernest_hemingway_on_how_to_write_fiction.html Seven tips from Ernest Hemingway on how to write fiction (also useful for writing theses)]<BR>
[http://www.openculture.com/2013/02/seven_tips_from_ernest_hemingway_on_how_to_write_fiction.html Seven tips from Ernest Hemingway on how to write fiction (also useful for writing theses)]<BR>
[https://www.grammarbook.com/numbers/numbers.asp Writing Numbers]<BR>
[https://www.grammarbook.com/numbers/numbers.asp Writing Numbers]<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/data/faq/topics/Abbreviations/faq0095.html 5 am or 5 a.m.] The Chicago Manual of Style on how to write abbreviations for ''ante meridiem'' and (before noon) and ''post meridiem'' (after noon).<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/data/faq/topics/Abbreviations/faq0095.html 5 am or 5 a.m.] The Chicago Manual of Style on how to write abbreviations for ''ante meridiem'' (before noon) and ''post meridiem'' (after noon).<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_(symbol) Using the prime symbol to designate units]<BR>
[[File:new.jpg]] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_(symbol) Using the prime symbol to designate units]<BR>
[https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/checklist.html SI Unit rules and style conventions]<BR>
[https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/checklist.html SI Unit rules and style conventions]<BR>

Revision as of 02:25, 31 July 2024


New.jpg signifies a recently added item

Artificial Cognitive Systems

Artificial Cognitive Systems (a separate list of links)

Artificial Intelligence

(Also see Machine Learning and Robotics)


A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence, August 31, 1955
Foundations and Grand Challenges of Artificial Intelligence: AAAI Presidential Address Raj Reddy (1988)
MYCIN expert system for infectious disease therapy A milestone in AI
Natural selection and the emergence of mind Speech by Karl Popper about Charles Darwin
New.jpg The Chinese Room

AI in Society

AI FORA - AI for Assessment
AI for Good Foundation
AI for Good Global Summit
AI in Europe
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Africa
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Machine Learning in Africa
Black in AI
Cooperative AI Foundation
New.jpg Feeding the Machine: The Hidden Human Labour Powering AI (edited extract) and An interview with the authors
From fear to action: AI governance and opportunities for all Frontiers in Computer Science Opinion Article
Human-centric AI: philosophical and community-centric considerations featuring Ubuntu philosophy and maximum feasible participation
OECD National AI policies & strategies
The Fourth Industrial Revolution - what it means and how to respond
The rise of the deepfake and the threat to democracy
The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Nature Communications (2020)
Video Tutorial 2020 Legal Protection by Design Mireille Hildebrandt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & HumanE-AI-net
Video Tutorial 2021 AI ActMireille Hildebrandt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & HumanE-AI-net
White Paper on Artificial Intelligence from the European Commission

AI in Business

AI Transformation Playbook
Artificial Intelligence for the Real World A Harvard Business Review perspective on using artificial cognitive capabilities in business
How to choose your first AI project Andrew Ng in Harvard Business Review 2019
Sizing the prize What's the real value of AI for your business and how can you capitalise? PWC report

AI Education

FIRST: A global robotics community preparing young people for the future
MinnaLearn Three popular courses: Elements of AI, Building AI, and AI for Built Environment
Teaching AI to young people
The Artificial Intelligence Wiki A Beginner’s Guide to Important Topics in AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

Evolution of AI

The AI Index Stanford University.
AI at a Crossroads.
Artificial Intelligence’s Grand Challenges: Past, Present, and Future Ganesh Mani (2021).
Artificial Intelligence - Past, Present, and Future.
Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet by Michael I. Jordan, with commentaries.
Cooperative AI Open Problems.
New.jpg Will the Future of AI Learning Depend More on Nature or Nurture? Yann LeCun and Gary Marcus debate

Limitations of AI

(But also see Large Language Models and Vision-Language-Action Models)

"AI is neither artificial nor intelligent" Interview with Kate Crawford, author of Atlas of AI
Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Stupidity Drew McDermott's old (1974) but still relevant plea for more critical self-appraisal by AI researchers (see, especially, the last section "Benediction").
AI-assisted plagiarism? ChatGPT bot says it has an answer for that - ChatGPT: "It looks like a confident bullshitter that can write very convincing nonsense".
New.jpg Beware the ‘botshit’: why generative AI is such a real and imminent threat to the way we live
Can ChatGPT-like Generative Models Guarantee Factual Accuracy? On the Mistakes of Microsoft’s New Bing
Can computers learn common sense?
ChatGPT/LLM Errors
New.jpg ChatGPT fails
Crochet enthusiasts asked ChatGPT for patterns. The results are ‘cursed’
Ernest Davis LLM-Failures wiki
From fear to action: AI governance and opportunities for all Frontiers in Computer Science Opinion Article
How Trustworthy Are Large Language Models Like GPT? Stanford University Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
LLM failure archive (ChatGPT and beyond)
Misinformation, mistakes and the Pope in a puffer: what rapidly evolving AI can – and can’t – do
Review of John Haugland's "Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea" by John McCarthy
TechScape: why you shouldn’t worry about sentient AI … yet
The Stupidity of AI ChatGPT is "inherently stupid ... it has no relation to reality whatsoever."
What DALL-E 2 can and cannot do by LessWrong. Notice in the first image the physical implausibility of the mannequin fingers morphing into folds in the dress.
New.jpg What to Expect When You’re Expecting … GPT-4 by Gary Markus

Ethics in AI

Algorithmic Justice League
Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for self-assessment
Deep fakes: one element of the dark side of AI and ML
Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI from the European Commission
Ethical issues in AI
Governing artificial intelligence: ethical, legal and technical opportunities and challenges
International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards ICRES
Video Tutorial 2020 Legal Protection by Design Mireille Hildebrandt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & HumanE-AI-net
Video Tutorial 2021 AI Act Mireille Hildebrandt, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & HumanE-AI-net

AI Applications and Resources

Colab from Google
DALL·E 2 Text to image conversion using deep neural networks
Digital Agriculture for Small-Scale Producers: Challenges and Opportunities CACM (2021)

AI Science and Technology

Definitions of Artificial and Human Intelligence
New.jpg Dynamic Field Theory
IBM Neuro-Symbolic AI Workshop 2022
IBM Neuro-Symbolic AI Summer School
New.jpg LAION Large-scale Artificial Intelligence Open Network
LaMDA, Google natural language foundation model
Neurosymbolic AI: The Third Wave
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp open-source repository for the book by Peter Norvig (1992)
The AI behind Watson
New.jpg What Is ChatGPT Doing ... and Why Does It Work? (and a lot more besides) by Stephen Wolfram
XAI Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Yann LeCun Cake Analogy 2.0

Cognitive Robotics

Cognitive Robotics Resources (list of links)
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Technical Committee for Cognitive Robotics

Computer Vision

2-Dimensional Motion Perception in humans; seminal video from the 1970s.
Andrej Karpathy's course CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Attention: SALICON eye-tracking dataset
Attention: scan-path prediction
Autonomous Road Following Application, Use case demo (its the second last video in the right sidebar)
Bag of Features Descriptor
Biological Motion clip from Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
Biological Motion II
Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python; great book and software, including a fully-configured virtual machine.
Egocentric vision resources
Head Eye Tracking
How to install OpenCV with pip
OpenCV Python example of contour features
OpenMV camera
Cartographer SLAM software from Google
The Affective Growth of Computer Vision
The Ancient Secrets of Computer Vision J. C. Redmon's cool computer vision course at the University of Washington, Spring 2018
Understanding NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegitation Index) and other indices in remote sensing for assessing plant health
YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection


PID control
Why does a proportional controller have a steady state error


Copyright & Fair Use Carnegie Mellon University Africa
Fair Use Policy Carnegie Mellon University Africa
Fair Use in the Copyright Act
Fair Use and Other Educational Uses The University of Chicago
Educational Uses of Non-coursepack Materials Stanford University

Cybernetics and System Dynamics

Complicated vs. Complex A Note on the Difference Between Complicated and Complex Social Systems by Roberto Poli
David Wolpert's website
New.jpg Dynamic Field Theory
New.jpg Developing Dynamic Field Theory Architectures for Embodied Cognitive Systems with cedar
Gordon Pask Archive
New.jpg Ethics and Second-Order Cybernetics Heinz von Foerster
Karl Popper Natural selection and the emergence of mind
Paul Pangaro
Paul Pangaro - The Design of Ethical Interfaces
System Dynamics Society
W. Ross Ashby Digital Archive



Cycling About with great articles
The Rules


Enigma Bicycle Works
Storck Bikes

Bike Maintenance

Crank & Bearing Removal and Installation - Campagnolo® Ultra-Torque™
The complete guide to bottom bracket standards

Bike Shops

New.jpg Great Bike Shop in Dubai
New.jpg Great Bike Shop in Dublin

Equipment and Kit

Sturmey Archer S2C Duomatic
Carbonfibre-like Insoles
Assos Factory Outlet
Guide to studded bike tyres
New.jpg How to install OpenStreetMap on your Garmin
New.jpg Rotor Q-Rings reviewand here is what Joe Friel thinks of them

Events and Routes

11 of the best cycling challenges in Ireland
Biking in Rwanda - Downloads and Interactive Maps by Kaspar Kundert
Cyclo Calendar
Donegal Cycle Route
EuroVelo 1 - Atlantic Coast Route
GPSies Routes including file format conversion, e.g. GPS to TCX.
Grand Trophee Cycling Events
Race around Rwanda with an alternative non-competitive Journey around Rwanda
The Complete Guide to the Congo Nile Trail Ebook
The Congo Nile Trail with satellite maps and elevation profiles for each stage.
Basic Kinyarwanda for the Congo Nile Trail and Beyond
New.jpg The Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle
New.jpg The Wild Atlantic Way
Vätternrundan in Sweden

Guides and Rentals

Cork Bike Rental Ireland
Lucca Cycling Club Italy


Glycemic Index Lists
Regulation of Muscle Glycogen Repletion, Muscle Protein Synthesis and Repair Following Exercise


Randonneurs Sverige


The English Cyclist Modern Cycling Prints
New.jpg Combine FIT, GPX, CSV or TCX files for Strava or Garmin

Engineering Education

A Whole New Engineer: a different way to approach effective teaching and learning (watch the video)
Bloom's Taxonomy original and revised
Epic Education Foundation
Epic Challenge Talk Siemens NASA Boeing Keynote on Educating the Next Generation, with Bill Boswell, Charles Camarda, and Michael Richey
Epic Challenge Lecture by Charles Camarda (video)
Epic Methodology introduction to the Innovative Conceptual Engineering Design (ICED) methodology (text)
Epic Methodology introduction to the Innovative Conceptual Engineering Design (ICED) methodology (video)
Open-book assessments: dos and don’ts that foster good practice
Project Management for PhDs
Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area
New.jpg Methodology: 2023-2024 Best Engineering Schools Rankings

Engineering Mathematics

New.jpg The ten best linear algebra books
Introduction to Independent Component Analysis - Barnabás Póczos, University of Alberta
Blind Source Separation and Independent Component Analysis
Subspace Methods for Visual Learning and Recognition ECCV 2002 Tutorial (short version) - Horst Bischof and Ales Leonardis
Subspace Methods for Visual Learning and Recognition ECCV 2002 Tutorial (full version) - Horst Bischof and Ales Leonardis
Fast ICA
FastICA C Implementation

Emergence and Self-Organization

Emergence: Complexity & Organization - An International Transdisciplinary Journal of Complex Social Systems
The Information Theory of Life
New.jpg Complexity Explained
New.jpg Complexity Explorables

Fountain Pens

The Parker 51
Parker 51 History
The Evolution of the Sheaffer Inlaid Nib 1959-Present

Graphs and Networks

Network Science by Albert-Laszalo Barabasi
Other Books by Albert-Laszalo Barabasi
GraphViz graph visualization

Helping People in Need

The GLO Africa Tour 2018

History of Technology

Reverse engineering Sinclair's amazing 1974 calculator

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) Educational Activities Final Report

New.jpg Ireland

11 of the best cycling challenges in Ireland
Ireland: a history of British colonial rule in Ireland
Allie Sherlock and Fionn Whelan sing Hallelujah on Grafton Street
Cork Bike Rental Ireland
Cycling the Wild Atlantic Way by Rolling Resistance
New.jpg Cycling the Wild Atlantic Way by David Vernon
Donegal Cycle Route
EuroVelo 1 - Atlantic Coast Route
New.jpg Great Bike Shop in Dublin
Irish 101: An Introduction to Irish Language and Culture
New.jpg Irish Culture A short overview talk at CMU-Africa in 2023
The Craic
The Crock of Gold by James Stephens
The EPIC untold story behind Fairytale of New York
The Wild Atlantic Way
The Wild Atlantic Way Alternative Site
The Wild Atlantic Way Map by Google
The Wild Atlantic Way Map by Discover Ireland
The Wild Atlantic Way Map by Failte Ireland
The Wild Atlantic Way Pocket Map
The Wild Atlantic Way Pocket Route Atlas
New.jpgYou Don't Get To Be Racist and Irish Imelda May's brilliant poem


Get LaTeX here
MacTeX for MacOS
New.jpg Plotneuralnet Latex code for making neural networks diagrams
TeXworks is a lightweight GUI front-end (MacTeX doesn't come with a GUI). Note: you'll have to set TeXworks Preferences > Typesetting to specify where the MacTeX binaries have been installed, e.g. /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-darwin.
Tufte-Latex Classes for producing books in the style of Edward R. Tufte (this is how I typeset my book Artificial Cognitive Systems - A Primer, published by MIT Press)
Drawing in LaTeX using TikZ
TikZ examples
The 3D Plot package for TikZ
The Listings Package
New.jpg NASA LaTeX Docs with great examples and templates
New.jpg Creating questionnaires with LaTeX from Sven Hartenstein


Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation by David Touretzky
Land of Lisp
On Lisp by Paul Graham
ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham
Lisp Tutorial (Chapter 2 of ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham)
Practical Common Lisp
Functional programming for the rest of us
Paul Graham's website ... go here if you want to challenge and change your views on programming, Lisp, and life (start with the essays)
New.jpg Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp open-source repository for the book by Peter Norvig (1992)
New.jpg Common Lisp REPL Exploration Guide


How to troubleshoot an external drive
Common MacOS Catalina problems and how to fix them
SVN is deprecated in MacOS Catalina; here are ways to fix it
Taking Screenshots in OS X
OS X keyboard shortcuts
Open Source Mac Software
HyperJuice Batteries
HyperJuice Batteries in Europe
How to access files from an Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox
How to access a web cam from an Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox
You may need to first install the VirtualBox Extension Pack which provides support for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices
Emacs for Mac OS X
Disable photoanalysisd
Reset the SMC of your Mac
New.jpg How to Type Letters with Accents on Mac

Machine Learning

(Also see Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)

Bayesian Approaches

A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Belief Networks

Books and Resources

Data Science and Machine Learning; free book to download
Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville
Model-based Machine Learning, co-authored by Chris Bishop, and the related Infer.NET framework running Bayesian inference in graphical models
Model-based Machine Learning Companion Paper, C. M. Bishop, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2013 371: 20120222; see Section 4. for an overview of probabilistic graphical models.
Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python; great book and software, including a fully-configured virtual machine.


New.jpg Classifier Comparison with instructive visualization
New.jpg Computer Scientist Explains Machine Learning in 5 Levels of Difficulty
Neural Network Zoo from Fjodor van Veen, The Asimov Institute
Neural Network Zoo Prequel: Cells and Layers with more detail on how each cell type works


Kaggle Facial Expression Recognition dataset FER13

Deep Learning

Deep Learning overview
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
On the Origin of Deep Learning Haohan Wang and Bhiksha Raj
The original paper on the CNN by Yann LeCun, Leon Bottio, Yoshua Bengio, and Patrick Haffner


Colab from Google
Using Keras and TensorFlow for Anomaly Detection (including the use of LSTM)

Ethical Issues

Deep fakes: one element of the dark side of AI and ML
The rise of the deepfake and the threat to democracy
The Tank Story

Gaussian Processes

Gaussian processes - Visual exploration of Gaussian processes
Gaussian processes - Interactive Gaussian process visualization
Gaussian processes - Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006)
Gaussian processes - The Kernel Cookbook: Advice on Covariance functions
Gaussian processes - An intuitive guide to Gaussian processes
Gaussian processes - An Intuitive Tutorial to Gaussian Processes Regression (Wang, 2022)
Gaussian processes - Introduction to Gaussian Processes Video Lecture (Nando de Freitas, 2013)

Generative Adversarial Networks

GAN Series; comprehensive overview of Generative Adversarial Networks

Large Language Models

(Also see Vision-Language-Action Models and Limitations of AI)

A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human? GPT-3
How Trustworthy Are Large Language Models Like GPT? Stanford University Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
Music publishers sue Amazon-backed AI company over song lyrics
Sarah Silverman sues OpenAI and Meta claiming AI training infringed copyright
TechScape: why you shouldn’t worry about sentient AI … yet
New.jpg Meta steps up AI battle with OpenAI and Google with release of Llama 3

Physics Informed Machine Learning

New.jpg High Level Overview of AI and ML in Science and Engineering

Recurrent Neural Networks

Illustrated guide to LSTMs and GRUs: a step by step explanation
Introducing Deep Learning and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
The original paper on the LSTM by Sepp Hochreiter and Jurgen Schmidhuber
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
Andrej Karpathy's Blog
Understanding LSTMs

Reinforcement Learning

A (Long) Peek into Reinforcement Learning
Learning to Optimize with Reinforcement Learning and learning to learn
Learning to Optimize

Self-Supervised Learning

Self-supervised Learning Andrew Zisserman
Yann LeCun Cake Analogy 2.0; the slides from his ISCC talk are here and the video of the talk is here


Multimodal Perception and Interaction with Transformers HumanE-AI-Net Micro Project
Multimodal Perception and Interaction with Transformers Tutorial Presented at ACAI 2021
Multimodal Perception and Interaction with Transformers Research Tools
Multimodal Perception with Transformers Research Challenges and Data Sets
The Illustrated Transformer by Jay Alammar


Did you know that multisensory integration develops late in humans, including visuo-auditory integration and visuo-haptic integration?
Has dopamine got us hooked on technology?
How a synapse works, part of an online course on the fundamentals of neuroscience
New.jpg Human memory may be unreliable after just a few seconds
The Brain A video of Paul Anderson explaining the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the brain
The Neuron A video of Paul Anderson explaining the anatomy (structure) of the neuron


(Also see Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Cognitive Robotics

IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Technical Committee for Cognitive Robotics
Cognitive Robotics Resources separate list of links


PARC - Pan-African Robotics Competition

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Best Practices in Robotics Education IEEE RAS Women in Robotics Panel Discussion
Black in Robotics Building Community, Advocating for Diversity, Encouraging Accountability
Black in Robotics Special Series at IROS 2020
The No Excuses List Women Faculty in Robotics
New.jpg Women in Robotics

Featured Robots

Beatbots, including Keepon Pro
Elegoo robot car
Elegoo Tumbller
Eva: facially expressive humanoid robotic head and demonstration video
Franka Emika Robot
Haru: An Experimental Social Robot From Honda Research
iRobot Create 2
iRobot Create 3
Lynxmotion AL5D 4DOF Robot Arm
Makeblock robot kits
Meca500 robot arm
Quanser QArm 4 dof
ROSA ONE Brain: a robotic platform to assist surgeons in planning and performing complex neurosurgical procedures in a minimally invasive manner


Anki, Jibo, and Kuri: what we can learn from social robots that didn't make it
Awarri "Our mission is to enable the development and adoption of advanced AI & Robotics technology on the African continent"
Intrinsic a new Alphabet company dedicated to facilitating widespread deployment of robotics
The real cost of robotics


A* Algorithm: a great place to begin
A* Pages: super place to learn more
A* algorithm graphic interactive demo
Pathfinding in maps: graphic interactive demo of
Path planning with A* and RRT & RRT*


Theseus Claude E. Shannon's 1950 maze-learning mouse robot


EASE - Everyday Activity Science & Engineering: how human-scale manipulation tasks can be mastered by robotic agents
Maria Petrou's Ironing Robot Challenge


Awesome Robotics: a list of various books, courses and other resources for robotics
Cognitive Robotics Resources separate list of links
Human-Robot Interaction - An Introduction An online textbook by C. Bartneck, T. Belpaeme, F. Eyssel, T. Kanda, M. Keijsers, and S. Šabanović
IEEE guide to the world of robots
RoboHub All the latest news about robotics
The Construct A Platform to Learn/Teach Robotics from Zero. Everything from robotics theory to ROS based robot programming
The Robotics Primer Workbook


A Gentle Introduction to ROS


Active Robots online shop


Bullet Real-Time Physics Simulation

Societal Impact and Ethics

Here’s why robots are actually going to increase human employment
New.jpg International Conference Series on Robot Ethics and Standards
New.jpg Principles of Robotics

STEM Education

Promoting Innovation in Rwanda through Robotics Education
STEM Robotics
Robotics in STEM Education: Redesigning the Learning Experience
Nine dimensions of STEM learning that can be supported by digital technologies PDF Report (2019)
Using Robotics and Game Design to Enhance Children’s Self-Efficacy, STEM Attitudes, and Computational Thinking Skills (2016)
Experiential learning of electronics subject matter in middle school robotics courses (2015)
Shape Robotics Fable robot
Robotics in Australian Schools with extensive list of robot resources, including Sphero, Edison, Ozobot, Makeblock, Bee-bot, Tetrix, Botley, Blue-bot, Cozmo, Strawbees
Tech-Labs STEM Robotics Education
The Steam Connection building the future, one robot at a time

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Sustainable Robotics

Vision-Language-Action Models

(Also see Large Language Models and Limitations of AI)

ChatGPT for Robotics: Design Principles and Model Abilities Microsoft article
PaLM-E: An embodied multimodal language model
RT-1: Robotics Transformer for Real-World Control at Scale arXiv article on RT-1
Supplementary video for RT-1: Robotics Transformer for Real-World Control at Scale Video
RT-2: Vision-Language-Action Models Transfer Web Knowledge to Robotic Control arXiv article on RT-2
RT-2: Vision-Language-Action Models RT-2 website
RT-2: New model translates vision and language into action Google DeepMind Blog
New.jpg RT-X: Scaling up learning across many different robot types
Do As I Can, Not As I Say: Grounding Language in Robotic Affordances arXiv article on SayCan
Do As I Can, Not As I Say: Grounding Language in Robotic Affordances SayCan website
Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models arXiv article on Open X-Embodiment
Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models Open X-Embodiment Website
Using an LLM to direct our robot Digit Agility Robotics video
New.jpg Foundation Models in Robotics: Applications, Challenges, and the Future
New.jpg LEAP: LLM-Generation of Egocentric Action Programs

Software Engineering

Programming Challenges by Steven Skiena and Miguel Revilla. . Online Judge
Paul Graham's website ... go here if you want to challenge and change your views on programming, Lisp, and life (start with the essays).
Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics
10 Quotes from David Parnas
How to write unmaintainable code
Absolute Beginners Guide to Emacs
ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Official Repository
ACM/IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice Version 5.2, 2016
IEEE-CS/ACM Code of Ethics
Why don't people use formal methods?
Version control with Subversion (SNV)
Oliver Steele's explanation of the Git data transport commands (nice if you're used to Subversion)

Trinity College Dublin

Computer Science: Then and Now in honour of Professor John Byrne.
The John Gabriel Byrne Computer Science Collection


New.jpg AI Act Tutorial, prepared by Mireille Hildebrandt, Radboud University, for the HumanE-AI-net European Network of Human-centered Artificial Intelligence.
3Blue1Brown: The Essence of Calculus
3Blue1Brown: But what is a neural network? | Chapter 1, Deep learning
3Blue1Brown: Gradient descent, how neural networks learn | Chapter 2, Deep learning
3Blue1Brown: What is backpropagation really doing? | Chapter 3, Deep learning
3Blue1Brown: Backpropagation calculus | Chapter 4, Deep learning
How to create mathematical animations like 3blue1brown using Python
A (Long) Peek into Reinforcement Learning
Lisp Tutorial (Chapter 2 of ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham)
Automate the Boring Stuff: introduction to Python
Information Theory Primer
POMDPs for Dummies
What does a data scientist do?
Why Model?
Feynman on the Scientific Method
A brief introduction to graphical models and Bayesian networks
Visual attention: new directions in saliency research
The Poisson distribution and Poisson distribution problems
A Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Computing
Introducing Deep Learning and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Using Keras and TensorFlow for Anomaly Detection (including the use of LSTM)
Illustrated guide to LSTMs and GRUs: a step by step explanation
Understanding LSTMs
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
Neural Network Zoo from Fjodor van Veen, The Asimov Institute
Neural Network Zoo Prequel: Cells and Layers with more detail on how each cell type works
The Illustrated Transformer by Jay Alammar

Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology

New.jpg 10 Influential Women in Engineering
An object lesson on how not to think about women in science: Science: It's a Girl Thing ... so many stereotypes, so much bias, so very sad.
Barbie Robotics Engineer: inspiring girls to learn how to write software
Gender diversity in technology in Rwanda
IEEE Women in Engineering (WiE)
IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Women in Engineering (WiE)
New.jpg IEEE Robotics & Automation Society - Women in Engineering (WiE) LinkedIn
International Women in Engineering Day
New.jpg Levers in Heels Bringing visibility to African women in STEM
On the gender gap in technology (read the last four paragraphs if you're short of time)
New.jpg The five: unsung female scientists
The SHE++ website is gone, but you can still watch the video, check it on Facebook, or go to SHE++ London
Timeline of Women in Computing
The No Excuses List Women Faculty in Robotics

Writing - Grammar, Composition, Style

New.jpg Axes: set the X, Y, and Z in capitals and italics, and use a hyphen.
The Bluestocking: On Writing
Title Case and Sentence Case Capitalization in APA Style
On dangling prepositions and rules "up with which I will not put" (here is the Benjamin G. Zimmer article on the quotation)
Henry Kissinger: "Is this the best you can do?"
The Elements of Style
Link Grammar a syntactic parser for the Link grammar of English, with a neat interactive sentence parser that identifies the parts of speech.
Thinking in Threes: The Power of Three in Writing
The Rule of Three in Writing
Seven tips from Ernest Hemingway on how to write fiction (also useful for writing theses)
Writing Numbers
New.jpg 5 am or 5 a.m. The Chicago Manual of Style on how to write abbreviations for ante meridiem (before noon) and post meridiem (after noon).
New.jpg Using the prime symbol to designate units
SI Unit rules and style conventions
Punctuation rules: commas; also see Section 2 in The Elements of Style
Footnote markers are placed after the punctuation mark
Clear explanation of the difference between the gerund and the present participle, i.e. words ending in "-ing"
Rules of English Style by Drew McDermott
An example of great technical writing: Scientific Background: The Brain’s Navigational Place and Grid Cell System (pdf)
An example of great narrative writing: 'The good guys don’t always win': Salman Rushdie on peace, Barbie and what freedom cost him.
"I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter", Blaise Pascal, Lettres Provinciales, Lettre XVI; also see here and here for details, and here for variations on the theme.
Oxford Spelling and why using "-ize" rather than "-ise" is correct, even in British English.
Example of Inspirational Writing: the text of J. K. Rowling's "Very Good Lives" - the book and the Video.
New.jpg To Beg the question explained (and why one should avoid phrases with esoteric or ambiguous meanings, even when used correctly)

Writing - The Benefits of Taking Handwritten Notes

The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking
The Benefits of No-Tech Note Taking
Why Writing by Hand Could Make You Smarter
... and on a related topic:
New.jpg Kids learn better on paper, not screens

Odds and Ends

100 Photos - The most influential images of all time. The link to the original Time website is broken
New.jpg A Short Guide to Sharing Pronouns for Trans Allies
Battery University
Bing Crosby & David Bowie Peace on Earth / Little Drummer Boy duet
Breaking waves audio
Bubble-sort folk dance
Claude E. Shannon Founder of Information Theory
Complicated vs. Complex A Note on the Difference Between Complicated and Complex Social Systems by Roberto Poli
Covid-19 pandemic: Tracking the global coronavirus outbreak
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dilbert - The Knack
Divination by Program Committee
Filing Rules for listing names beginning with Mc and Mac
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Heilmeier's catechism for researchers
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In Defense of J.K. Rowling (and read a full account of the controversy by Rhona Shennan in the Scotsman)
Ineffective Sorts
Julia Gillard's Misogyny Speech
Kigali Master Plan 2020
Less Wrong A website dedicated to rationality.
Lobachevsky by Tom Lehrer (also read New.jpg ‘My songs spread like herpes’: why did satirical genius Tom Lehrer swap worldwide fame for obscurity?)
MakerBeam very neat kits that use 1 cm and 1.5 cm extruded aluminium for building mechanical frames for any purpose
Markdown Guide
MediaWiki Formatting Guide
Merge-sort folk dance
Motion-triggered figure-ground segmentation
Opinion is the lowest form of knowledge ... the correct attribution of this aphorism to Bill Bullard, not Plato, and attribution to George Eliot of the highest form of knowledge: empathy
Slide Hunter Free PowerPoint Presentation Templates
Presentation Go Free PowerPoint Presentation Templates
Program in C The Little Mermaid
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Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken and how it is almost universally misunderstood
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Rwenzori Trekking
PC2Paper Send Letters from the Internet
Revisiting Rwanda by Murray Shanahan
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Sleep What Happens in Your Body and Brain While You Sleep
Sleep 7 Ways Sleep Affects The Brain (And What Happens If It Doesn't Get Enough)
Tactile Sensing
Teamwork: The four stages of team development
Ten words and phrases you should never use in IP contracts
The Golden Ratio
The Grant Cycle
The Guardian Optical Illusions
The incredible ibex defies gravity and climbs a dam | Forces of Nature with Brian Cox - BBC
The Intertwine Charter: Going beyond anti-discrimination and towards pro-active change to welcome others
The knowns and unknowns framework for design thinking
The Limits of Quantum Computers
The Point Magazine
The story behind the Apollo 8 Earthrise photo
There are known knowns
Video of Donald Rumsfeld's famous use of the knowns and unknowns framework in 2002
Toys and Child Development one quote, in an article full of quotable quotes: "The best toys are 90% the kid, 10% the toy”, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
Types of Orbit
Visual explanations
What / Where is the Global South?