Community Activities
Co-chair emeritus of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical Committee for Cognitive Robotics, recipient of the 2017 RAS Most Active TC Award.
Member of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.
Member of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Women in Engineering Committee.
Associate editor, Cognitive Systems Research.
Series Editor, Springer book series Cognitive Systems Monographs.
Research Projects
Culturally Sensitive Social Robotics for Africa, 2023 - 2025; Principal Investigator.
Everyday Activity Science and Engineering - EASE, Interdisciplinary Research Centre, University of Bremen, 2017 - 2025; Principal Investigator, sub-project R01.
Horizon 2020 Coordination Action 688441: RockEU2 - Robotics Coordination Action
for Europe Two 2016 - 2018; Cognitive Systems Work Package Co-Leader.
Development of Robot-Enhanced therapy for children with AutisM spectrum disorders - DREAM 2014 - 2019; Research Director and Systems Integrator.
Robotic Open-Architecture Technology for Cognition, Understanding, and Behaviours - RobotCub (aka The iCub Project) 2004 - 2010; Technical Coordinator.
European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems - euCognition 2006 - 2008; Network Coordinator.
European Research Network for Cognitive Computer Vision Systems - ECVision 2002 - 2005; Network Coordinator
See C.V. on Personal page for projects prior to 2000.
Research Publications
A. Akinade, D. Barros, and D. Vernon, "Biological Motion Aids Gestural Communication by Humanoid Social Robots", International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Accepted for publication, January 04, 2025.
D. Vernon, "An African Perspective on Culturally Competent Social Robotics: Why DEI Matters in HRI", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 170-200, 2024.
D. Vernon and G. Sandini, "The Importance of Being Humanoid", International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 20th anniversary issue, February, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2024.
P. Bassereau, A. Cangelosi, J. Cejkova, C. Gershenson, R. Goldstein, Z. Martins, S. Matthews, F. Ritort, S. Seager, B. Van Tiggelen, D. Vernon, and F. Westall, Chapter 4 Physics for Understanding Life, Section 4.3 Artificial Intelligence: Powering the Fourth Industrial Revolution, EPS Grand Challenges: Physics for Society at the Horizon 2050, IOP Publishing, 2024.
A. Akinade, Y. Haile, N. Mutangana C. Tucker, and D. Vernon, "Culturally Competent Social Robots Target Inclusion in Africa", Science Robotics, 2023.
A. Sciutti, M. Beetz, T. Inamura, A. Korsah, J. Oh, G. Sandini, S. Shimoda, D. Vernon, "The Present and the Future of Cognitive Robotics", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Technical Committee Spotlight, pp. 160-163, September 2023.
P. Zantou and D. Vernon, "Culturally-Sensitive Human-Robot Interaction: A Case Study with the Pepper Humanoid Robot", Proc. IEEE Africon, Nairobi, Kenya, September, 2023.
P. Zantou and D. Vernon, "Inclusion Drives Sustainable Development: The Case of Social Robotics for Africa", Poster Presentation, ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies - COMPASS, August 2023.
M. Beetz, G. Kazhoyan, and D. Vernon, "The CRAM Cognitive Architecture for Robot Manipulation in Everyday Activities", arXiv 2304.14119 [cs.RO], 2023.
C. Delmus Alupo, D. Omeiza, and D. Vernon, "Realizing the Potential of AI in Africa: It All Turns on Trust", in Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems, M. I. Aldinhas Ferreira, O. Tokhi eds. Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering. Springer, 2022.
D. Vernon, "Cognitive Architectures", in Cognitive Robotics, A. Cangelosi and M. Asada (Eds.), MIT Press, Chapter 10, 2022.
G. Sandini, A. Sciutti, and D. Vernon, "Cognitive Robotics", in Encyclopedia of Robotics, M. Ang, O. Khatib, and B. Siciliano (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2021.
D. Vernon, J. Albert, M. Beetz, S.-C. Chiou, H. Ritter, and W. X. Schneider, "Action Selection and Execution in Everyday Activities: A Cognitive Robotics & Situation Model Perspective", Topics in Cognitive Science, pp. 1-19, 2021.
T. R. Besold, L. Zaadnoordijk, and D.Vernon, "Feeling Functional: A Formal Account of Artificial Phenomenology", Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-14, 2021.
D. Vernon, "Ten Unsafe Assumptions When Teaching Topics in Software Engineering", in Frontiers in Software Engineering Education, J.-M. Bruel et al. (Eds.), Chapter 9, Springer LNCS 12271, 2020.
E. Billing, T. Belpaeme, H. Cai, H.-L. Cao, A. Ciocan, C. Costescu, D. David, R. Homewood, D. Hernandez Garcia, P. Gómez Esteban, H. Liu, V. Nair, S. Matu, A. Mazel, M. Selescu, E. Senft, S. Thill, B. Vanderborght, D. Vernon, and T. Ziemke, "The DREAM Dataset: Supporting a data-driven study of autism spectrum disorder and robot enhanced therapy", PLOS ONE, 2020.
D. Vernon, "Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa", IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 131-135, December 2019.
D. Vernon, "Internal simulation in embodied cognitive systems, Comment on 'Muscleless motor synergies and actions without movements: From motor neuroscience to cognitive robotics' by Vishwanathan Mohan et al.", Physics of Life Reviews, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plrev.2019.02.012
D. Vernon, "The Architect's Dilemmas", in Cognitive Architectures, M. I. Aldinhas Ferreira, J. Sequeira, and R. Ventura (eds.), Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, Vol. 94, Springer, 2019.
H. Cai, Y. Fang, Z. Ju, C. Costescu, D. David, E. Billing, T. Ziemke, S. Thill, T. Belpaeme, B. Vanderborght, D. Vernon, K. Richardson, and H. Liu, "Sensing-enhanced Therapy System for Assessing Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Feasibility Study", IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 4, 2019. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol 19, Issue 4, 2019.
H.-L. Cao, P. Gomez Esteban, P. Baxter, T. Belpaeme, E. Billing, H. Cai, M. Coeckelbergh, C. Costescu, D. David, A. De Beir, D. Hernandez Garcia, J. Kennedy, H. Liu, S. Matu, A. Mazel, A. Kumar Pandey, K. Richardson, E. Senft, S. Thill, G. Van de Perre, B. Vanderborght, D. Vernon, K. Wakanuma, H. Yu, X. Zhou, T. Ziemke, "Robot-Enhanced Therapy: Development and Validation of a Supervised Autonomous Robotic System for Autism Spectrum Disorders Therapy", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 49-58, June 2019.
D. Vernon, "Further Support for the Stabilization Thesis: Circular Causality, Ecosystems Growth & Development, and Allostasis", Open Peer Commentary, Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 376-377, 2018.
A. Lieto, M. Bhatt, A. Oltramari, and D. Vernon, "The Role of Cognitive Architectures in General Artificial Intelligence", editorial for a special issue on "Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Minds", Editorial, Cognitive Systems Research, Vol. 48, pp. 1-3.
P. G. Esteban, P. Baxter, T. Belpaeme, E. Billing, H. Cai, H.-L. Cao, M. Coeckelbergh, C. Costescu, D. David, A. De Beir, Y. Fang, Z. Ju, J. Kennedy, H. Liu, A. Mazel, A. Pandey, K. Richardson, E. Senft, S. Thill, G. Van de Perre, B. Vanderborght, D. Vernon, H. Yu, and T. Ziemke, "How to Build a Supervised Autonomous System for Robot-Enhanced Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder", Paladyn, J. Behav. Robot., Vol. 8, pp. 18-38, 2017.
D. Vernon and M. Vincze, "Industrial Priorities for Cognitive Robotics", Proceedings of EUCognition 2016, Cognitive Robot Architectures, European Society for Cognitive Systems, Vienna, 8-9 December, 2016, R. Chrisley. V. C. Müller, Y. Sandamirskaya. M. Vincze (eds.), CEUR-WS Vol-1855, ISSN 1613-0073, pp. 6-9.
D. Vernon. "Two Ways (Not) To Design a Cognitive Architecture", Proceedings of EUCognition 2016, Cognitive Robot Architectures, European Society for Cognitive Systems, Vienna, 8-9 December, 2016, R. Chrisley. V. C. Müller, Y. Sandamirskaya. M. Vincze (eds.), CEUR-WS Vol-1855, ISSN 1613-0073, pp. 42-43.
D. Vernon, C. von Hofsten, and L. Fadiga, "Desiderata for Developmental Cognitive Architectures", Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Vol. 18, pp. 116-127, 2016.
D. Vernon, "Reconciling Constitutive and Behavioural Autonomy: The Challenge of Modelling Development in Enactive Cognition", Intellectica, Vol. 65, pp. 63-79, 2016.
D. Vernon, S. Thill, and T. Ziemke, "The Role of Intention in Cognitive Robotics", in Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems- Volume I,
A. Esposito and L. C. Jain (Eds.), Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 105, pp. 15-27, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-31055-8, 2016.
S. Thill and D. Vernon, "How to design emergent models of cognition for application-driven artificial agents", in Integrating Computation and Cognition ---
Proceedings of the 14th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop , K. Twomey, G. Westermann, P. Monaghan, A. Smith (Eds.), 2016.
A. Lieto, M. Bhatt, A. Oltramari, and D. Vernon (eds.). Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition (AIC 2016), New York City, NY, USA, July 16-17, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol 1895, 2016.
D. Vernon, E. Billing, P. Hemeren, S. Thill, and T. Ziemke, "An Architecture-oriented Approach to System Integration in Collaborative Robotics Research Projects - An Experience Report", Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 15-32, 2015.
D. Vernon, R. Lowe, S. Thill, and T. Ziemke, "Embodied Cognition and Circular Causality: On the Role of Constitutive Autonomy in the Reciprocal Coupling of Perception and Action", Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 6, No. 1660, 2015,
D. Vernon, M. Beetz, and G. Sandini, "Prospection in cognition: the case for joint episodic-procedural memory", Frontiers in AI and Robotics, Vol. 2, No. 19, 2015.
D. Vernon, "Bridging Ideomotor Theory and Autonomous Development with
Perceptuo-Motor Memory", Sensorimotor Contingencies for Robotics Workshop, IROS, 2015.
T. Ziemke, S. Thill, and D. Vernon, "Embodiment is a Double-Edged Sword in Human-Robot
Interaction: Ascribed vs. Intrinsic Intentionality", Proc. Workshop on Cognition: A Bridge between Robotics and Interaction, ACM/IEEE Human Robot Interaction Conference (HRI 2015), Portland, USA, March 2, pp. 9-10, 2015.
D. Vernon, Artificial Cognitive Systems - A Primer, MIT Press, 2014.
Contents, Chapter 1, References, and Index
D. Vernon, "Cognitive System", Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, K. Ikeuchi (Ed.), pp. 100-106, Springer, 2014.
D. Vernon, "Cognitive Vision", Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, K. Ikeuchi (Ed.), pp. 106-109, Springer, 2014.
D. Vernon, "Visual Cognition", Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, K. Ikeuchi (Ed.), pp. 860-862, Springer, 2014.
G. Sandini and D. Vernon, "The Hows and Whys of Effective Interdisciplinarity", IEEE AMD Newsletter, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 6-7, 2014.
S. Thill and D. Vernon, "The relevance of emergent models in application-driven research", 14th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW14), 2014.
D. Vernon, "Goal-directed Action and Eligible Forms of Embodiment", Open Peer Commentary, Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 85-86, 2013.
D. Vernon, "Interpreting Ashby - But which One?", Open Peer Commentary, Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 111-113, 2013.
D. Vernon, C. von Hofsten, and L. Fadiga, "A Roadmap for Cognitive Development in Humanoid Robots",
Cognitive Systems Monographs (COSMOS), Vol. 11, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-16903-8, 2011.
D. Vernon, "Reconciling Autonomy with Utility: A Roadmap and Architecture for Cognitive Development", Proc. Int. Conf. on Biologically-Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2011, A. V. Samsonovich and K. R. Johannsdottir (Eds.), IOS Press, pp. 412-418, 2011.
E. Basaeed, M. Al-Mualla, D. Vernon, "Exploiting Foveation in User-centred Image Fusion", Proc. IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, 2011.
D. Vernon, "Enaction as a Conceptual Framework for Developmental Cognitive Robotics", Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 89-98, 2010.
G. Metta, L. Natale, F. Nori, G. Sandini, D. Vernon, L. Fadiga, C. von Hofsten, J. Santos-Victor, A. Bernardino, L. Montesano, "The iCub Humanoid Robot: An Open-Systems Platform for Research in Cognitive Development", Neural Networks, special issue on Social Cognition: From Babies to Robots, Vol. 23, pp. 1125-1134, 2010.
D. Vernon, G. Metta, and G. Sandini, "Embodiment in Cognitive Systems: on the Mutual Dependence of Cognition & Robotics",
in "Embodied Cognitive Systems", J. Gray and S. Nefti-Meziani (Eds.), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK, 2010.
R. Abdullah, R. Hamila, D. Vernon., "Selective Visual Attention for Urban Search and Rescue Robots", Proc. 12th Int. Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Istanbul, Turkey, 9-11 September, 2009.
A. Kulaib, M. Al-Mualla, D. Vernon., "2D Binaural Sound Localization for Urban Search and Rescue Robotic", Proc. 12th Int. Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots, Istanbul, Turkey, 9-11 September, 2009.
D. Vernon, "Guest Editor Editorial", Image and Vision Computing, Special Issue on Cognitive Vision, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 1-4, 2008.
D. Vernon, "Cognitive Vision: The Case for Embodied Perception", Image and Vision Computing, Special Issue on Cognitive Vision, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 127-141, 2008.
G. Metta, G. Sandini, D. Vernon, L. Natale, F. Nori, "The iCub humanoid robot: an open platform for research in embodied cognition", Proceedings of the Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop (PerMIS), R. Madhavan and E. Messina (eds.), NIST Special Publication 1090, pp. 50-56, August 2008.
D. Vernon, G. Metta, and G. Sandini, "A Survey of Artificial Cognitive Systems: Implications for the Autonomous Development of Mental Capabilities in Computational Agents", IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, special issue on Autonomous Mental Development, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 151-180, 2007.
Tsagarakis, N.G., Metta, G., Sandini, G., Vernon, D., Beira, R., Santos-Victor, J., Carrazzo, M.C., Becchi, F. and Caldwell, D.G., "iCub - The Design and Realisation of an Open Humanoid Platform for Cognitive and Neuroscience Research", International Journal of Advanced Robotics, Vol. 21 No. 10, pp. 1151-75, Oct. 2007.
O. Ghita, P. Whelan, D. Vernon, and J. Mallon, "Pose estimation for objects with planar surfaces using eigenimage and range data", Machine Vision and Applications, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 18, Number 6 / December, pp. 355-365, 2007.
Sandini, G., Metta, G., and Vernon, D. 2007. "The iCub Cognitive Humanoid Robot: An Open-System Research Platform for Enactive Cognition", in 50 Years of AI, M. Lungarella et al. (Eds.), Festschrift, LNAI 4850, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 359-370, 2007.
Vernon, D and Furlong, D. 2007. "Philosophical Foundations of Enactive AI", in 50 Years of AI, M. Lungarella et al. (Eds.), Festschrift, LNAI 4850, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 53"62, 2007.
D. Vernon, G. Metta, and G. Sandini, "The iCub Cognitive Architecture: Interactive Development in a Humanoid Robot", IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, Imperial College, London, July 2007.
D. Vernon, G. Metta, and G. Sandini, "Una panoramica sui sistemi cognitivi artificiali", Sistemi Intelligenti, August 2007.
D. Vernon, "The Space of Cognitive Vision", in Cognitive Vision Systems: Sampling the Spectrum of Approaches, H. I. Christensen and H.-H. Nagel (eds.), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 7-26, 2006.
D. Vernon, "La cognizione nei sistemi artificiali: Cognition in Artificial Systems", Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria, XXV Scuola Annuale, Neuro-Robotic: Neuroscienze e Robotica per lo sviluppo di macchine intelligenti, P. Dario, S. Martinoia, G. Rizzolatti, G. Sandini (eds.), Vol. 25, P"tron Editore, Bologna, Settembre, pp. 137-155, 2006.
D. Vernon, "Cognitive Vision: The Development of a Discipline", KI-Zeitschrift K"nstliche Intelligenz, German Society for Informatics, April, Special Issue on Cognitive Computer Vision, pp 38-41, 2005.
G. Metta, D. Vernon, and G. Sandini, "The RobotCub Approach to the Development of Cognition", AISB Quarterly, The Newsletter of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, No. 121, p. 4, 2005.
G. Metta, D. Vernon, and G. Sandini, "The RobotCub Approach to the Development of Cognition: Implications of Emergent Systems for a Common Research Agenda in Epigenetic Robotics", Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems (EpiRob2005), Berthouze, L., Kaplan, F., Kozima, H., Yano, H., Konczak, J., Metta, G., Nadel, J., Sandini, G., Stojanov, G. and Balkenius, C. (Eds.) Lund University Cognitive Studies, 123. ISBN 91-974741-4-2, pp. 111-115, 2005.
G. Metta, G. Sandini, D. Vernon, D. Caldwell, N. Tsagarakis, R. Beira, J. Santos-Victor, A. Ijspeert, L. Righetti, G. Cappiello, G. Stellin, and F. Becchi, "The RobotCub project - an open framework for research in embodied cognition", Humanoids Workshop, IEEE"RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, December, 2005.
G. Sandini, G. Metta, and D. Vernon, "RobotCub: An Open Framework for Research in Embodied Cognition", Proceedings of IEEE-RAS/RSJ International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2004), pp. 13-32, 2004.
G. Sandini, G. Metta, G., and D. Vernon, "RobotCub: An Open Research Initiative in Embodied Cognition", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), 2004.
D. Vernon, "Cognitive Vision: Past, Present, and Future", Invited Speaker, Proc. Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, P. J. Morrow and B. W. Scotney (Eds.), September 2003, p. 5, 2003.
D. Vernon, "A Binocular Model for Figure-Ground Segmentation in Translucent and Occluding Images", Optical Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 10, pp. 2525-2531, 2002.
D. Vernon, "An Optical Device for Computation of Binocular Stereo Disparity with a Single Static Camera", Proceedings OPTO-Ireland 2002, SPIE Vol. 4877, pp. 38-46, 2002
D. Vernon, Fourier Vision - Segmentation and Velocity Measurement using the Fourier Transform, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, Mass., 195 pages, 2001, (ISBN: 0-7923-7413-4), and
The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 623 (ISBN: 978-0-7923-7413-8)
D. Vernon (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Computer Vision, LNCS Vols. 1842 & 1843, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 953 & 881 pages, respectively. (ISBN 3-540-67685-6 & 3-540-67686-4), 2000.
T. Lysaght, D. Vernon, and J. Timoney, "Subgraph Isomorphism Applied to Feature Correspondence in Timbre Morphing", Proceedings of the Irish Signals and Systems Conference, A. Fagan and O. Feely (Eds.), pp. 250-257, 2000.
D. Vernon, "Computation of Instantaneous Optical Flow using the Phase of Fourier Components", Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, pp. 189-198, 1999.
T. Lysaght and D. Vernon, "Timbre Morphing of Synthesised Transients using the Wigner Time-Frequency Distribution", Proceedings Anais do XIX Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileirade Computacao, Vol. 3 SBCM Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao e Musica, pp 1-7, PUC-Rio, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
D. Vernon, "Decoupling Fourier Components of Dynamic Image Sequences: A Theory of Signal Separation, Image Segmentation, and Optical Flow Estimation", Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV `98, Springer Verlag, pp. 69-85.
D. Vernon (Ed.), Proceedings of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland & Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Joint Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 316 pages, 1998.
J. McDonald and D. Vernon, "A New Hough Transform for the Detection of Arbitrary 3-Dimensional Objects", Proceedings of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland & Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Joint Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, pp. 243-255, 1998.
D. Vernon, G. Doemens, and N. Murphy, "Reconstruction of High-Resolution Images from Asymmetrically-Sampled Sensor Data", Proceedings of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland & Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Joint Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, pp. 34-50, 1998.
A. Trenaman and D. Vernon, "Development of Generic Algorithms for Random Access Machine Vision", Proceedings of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland & Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Joint Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, pp. 18-33, 1998.
P. Butler, E. O"Broin, and D. Vernon, "A Hand-Activated White-Light Profilometry System to Effect the Automatic Recovery of Facial Shape", Proceedings of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland & Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Joint Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, pp. 85-101, 1998.
E. O"Broin, M. J. Early, P. Butler, and D. Vernon, "A New 3-D Scanning System: A Preliminary Clinical Study", The American Cleft Palate"Cranio Facial Association, 55th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 24th April, 1998. E. S. O"Broin, P. Butler, M. J. Earley, D. L. Lawlor, and D. Vernon, "An Analysis of Unilateral Cleft Lip Children using a new 3-D Surface Imaging System", Proceeding of the Winter Meeting of the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Royal College of Surgeons, London., 1998.
D. Vernon, "The Dilemma of Emancipation in the Information Society", Studies in Education, Vol XIII, No. 1, pp. 26-33, 1997.
M. Tistarelli, E. Grosso, J. Big"n, C. Sacerdoti, J. Santos-Victor, D. Vernon, "The VIRSBS Project: Visual Intelligent Recognition for Secure Banking Services", in Alberto Del Bimbo (Ed.): Image Analysis and Processing, 9th International Conference, ICIAP '97, Florence, Italy, September 17-19, 1997, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1311 Springer , pp. 725-734, 1997.
T. Lysaght, D. O"Donoghue, and D. Vernon, "Timbre Morphing using the Wigner Time-Frequency Distribution", Proc. Conference on Computational Models of Creative Cognition, Dublin, Ireland.
Thomas, P. and Vernon, D., 1997. "Image Registration by Differential Evolution", Proceedings of the First Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, IMVIP-97, Magee College, University of Ulster, pp. 221-225, 1997.
D. Vernon, "Estimation of Optical Flow using the Fourier Transform", Proceedings of the First Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, IMVIP-97, Magee College, University of Ulster, pp. 117-123, 1997.
D. Vernon, "Removal of Superimposed Reflections from Dynamic Image Sequences", Proceedings of the First Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, IMVIP-97, Magee College, University of Ulster, pp. 124-130, 1997.
D. Vernon, "Phase-Based Computation of Stereo Disparity" Proceedings of the First Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, IMVIP-97, Magee College, University of Ulster, pp. 216-220, 1997.
D. Vernon, P. Butler, and E. O"Broin, "Estimation of a 3-D Surface Profile of a Human Face using a Hand-Actuated White-Light Profilometer", Proceedings of the First Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, IMVIP-97, Magee College, University of Ulster, pp. 12-19, 1997.
P. Butler, D. Vernon, and E. O"Broin, "Edge Localization in a White-Light Profilometer with Sub-Pixel Accuracy", Lasers and Optical Engineering "97, 2nd Annual Conference of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 1997. D. Vernon, "Dilemmas of the Information Age", invited paper, Proc. "Ireland, Europe, and the Global Information Society: a Conference for Social Scientists", Dublin, 24-25th April, 1997.
D. Vernon, "Computer Science: At the Cross-Roads of Humanity", Maynooth University Record, pp. 17-42, 1997.
D. Vernon, "Profligate Practices - The Role of Information Technology in the Debasement of Knowledge", IIS/Special Libraries Branch LAI. Annual Conference, 1997.
Vernon, D. 1996. "Phase-Based Measurement of Object Velocity in Image Sequences using the Hough Transform", Optical Engineering, Vol. 35, No 9, pp. 2620-2626.
Vernon, D. 1996. "Segmentation in Dynamic Image Sequences by Isolation of Coherent Wave Profiles", ECCV "96 " Proc. 4th European Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge, England, Springer Verlag LNCS 1064, pp.293-303.
Butler, P., O"Broin, E, and Vernon, D. 1996. "The Recovery of 3-D Facial Shape for Analysis in the Pre- and Post-Operative Phases of Reconstructive Surgery by Hand-Actuated Light-Striping", Proceeding of the First Annual Conference of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland, pp 60-64..
Trenaman, A., Barry, D., and Vernon, D. 1996. "An Analysis of Strategies to Reduce Computational Complexity and Processing Time in Industrial Optical Data Processing and Analysis", Proceeding of the First Annual Conference of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland, pp. 52-55.
Trenaman, A., Barry, D., and Vernon, D. 1996. "Random Access Sensors and their Implications for Optical Data Processing", Proceeding of the First Annual Conference of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland, pp. 56-59.
Vernon, D. 1996. "Decoupling Fourier Frequency Components in Dynamic Image Sequences containing Multiple Moving Objects", Proceeding of the First Annual Conference of the Optical Engineering Society of Ireland, pp 65-68.
Dawson-Howe, K. and Vernon, D. 1995. "3-D Object Matching Through Implicit Model Matching", The International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. , (October).
Dawson-Howe, K. and Vernon, D. 1995. "Simple Pinhole Camera Calibration", The International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-6, (Spring), Wiley, UK.
Vernon, D. 1995. "The Development of a Policy on Information Systems - Technology and Organizational Change in Counterpoint", unpublished report,
D. Vernon (Ed.) Computer Vision: Craft, Engineering, and Science, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 96 pages, ISBN 3-540-57211-2, 1994.
M. Jones and D. Vernon, "Using Neural Networks to Learn Hand Eye Co-ordination", Neural Computing and Applications, Springer Verlag, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 2-12, 1994.
K. Dawson, D. Furlong, M. Jones, N. Murphy, and D. Vernon, "Computer Vision " Craft, Engineering, and Science", in D. Vernon (Ed.), Computer Vision: Craft, Engineering, and Science, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 89-96, 1994.
D. Vernon, Book Review - Vision: Variations on Some Berkeleian Themes, Robert Schwartz, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1994, pp. 162. in Berkeley Newsletter, No. 13, pp. 13-14, 1994.
Vernon, D. 1993. "Automatic Detection of Secondary Creases in Fingerprints", Optical Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 10, pp. 2612-2623.
Pfleger, S., Goncalves, J, and Vernon, D. (Eds.) 1993. Data Fusion Applications, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 265 pages. (ISBN 3-540-56973-1)
O"Neill, P., Dawson, K., and Vernon, D. 1993. "An Optical Hand Pose Tracking System", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Image Communication (Image Com "93), Bordeaux, pp. 175-180.
Vernon, D. and Sandini, G. (Eds.) 1992. Parallel Computer Vision: The VIS " VIS System, Ellis-Horwood, UK, 276 pages. (ISBN 0-13-932716-9)
Vernon. D. 1992. "An Introduction to Computer Vision", in Parallel Computer Vision: The VIS " VIS System, Vernon, D. and Sandini, G. (Eds.), Ellis-Horwood, UK, pp. 9-28.
Vernon. D. and Sandini, G. 1992. "An Overview of VIS " VIS: A Virtual Image System for Image Understanding", in Parallel Computer Vision: The VIS " VIS System, Vernon, D. and Sandini, G. (Eds.), Ellis-Horwood, UK, pp. 29-55.
Vernon. D. and Sandini, G. 1992. "Isolation of Intensity Discontinuities", in Parallel Computer Vision: The VIS " VIS System, Vernon, D. and Sandini, G. (Eds.), Ellis-Horwood, UK, pp. 56-81.
Sandini, G., Tistarelli, M., and Vernon, D. 1992. "Visual Motion and VIS " VIS", in Parallel Computer Vision: The VIS " VIS System, Vernon, D. and Sandini, G. (Eds.), Ellis-Horwood, UK, pp. 93-114.
Dawson, K. and Vernon, D. 1992. "3-D Object Recognition using Passively Sensed Range Data", ECCV "92 " Proc. 2nd European Conference on Computer Vision, Santa Margarita, Italy, pp. 806-819.
Dawson, K., Healy, P., and Vernon, D. 1992. "VIS Interpretive Control Language (VISICL)", in Parallel Computer Vision: The VIS " VIS System, Vernon, D. and Sandini, G. (Eds.), Ellis-Horwood, UK, pp. 214-242.
Furlong, D. and Vernon D. 1992. "Reality Paradigms, Perception, and Natural Science " The Relevance of Autopoiesis", Proc. Of the ESPRIT Workshop on Autopoiesis and Perception, Dublin City University, (25 pages).
Vernon, D. and Furlong D. 1992. "Relativistic Ontologies, Self-Organization, Autopoiesis, and Artificial Life: A Progression in the Science of the Autonomous. Part I " The Philosophical Foundations", Proc. Of the ESPRIT Workshop on Autopoiesis and Perception, Dublin City University, (15 pages).
Vernon, D. and Furlong D. 1992. "Relativistic Ontologies, Self-Organization, Autopoiesis, and Artificial Life: A Progression in the Science of the Autonomous. Part II " A Scientific Development", Proc. Of the ESPRIT Workshop on Autopoiesis and Perception, Dublin City University, (22 pages).
Dawson, K., Flanagan, M., and Vernon, D. 1992. "Marr"s Framework Revisited", Proc. 9th Israeli Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, pp. 3-12.
Vernon, D. 1992. "Advanced Image Understanding and Autonomous Systems" (Invited Lecture), Proc. Of the 17th International Summer School with Conference on Information Technologies and Programming, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 54-61.
Vernon, D. 1992. "The Power of Parallelism", DGXIII Magazine, Commission of the European Communities, No. 9, December, pp. 4-7.
Vernon, D. 1991. Machine Vision: Automated Visual Inspection and Robot Vision, Prentice-Hall International (UK) Ltd., 260 pages. (ISBN 0-13-543398-3).
35 Mb: Vernon, D. 1991. "Optical Non-Contact Sensing of Eye Motion", Journal of Biomedical Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 25-32.
Dawson, K., Tistarelli, M., and Vernon, D. 1991. "On the Usefulness of Optical Flow for Robotic Part Manipulation", Proceeding of the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Osaka, Vol. 1, pp. 117-122
Dawson, K. M. and Vernon, D. 1991. "Model-based 3-D Object Recognition Using Scalar Transform Descriptors" Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1609, pp. 262-273.
Vernon, D. and Tistarelli, M. 1990. "Using Camera Motion to Estimate Range for Robotic Parts Manipulation", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation., Vol.6, No. 5, pp.509-521.
Vernon, D. 1990. "A System for Robot Manipulation of Wires using Vision", Robotica, Vol. 8, pp. 47-60, Cambridge University Press.
Kenny, P.A., Dowsett, D.J., Vernon, D., and Ennis, J.T. 1990. "A Technique for Digital Image Registration used prior to Subtraction of Lung Images in Nuclear Medicine", Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 35, No. 5, 679-685.
Inouchi, H., McLoughlin, N., and Vernon, D. 1990. "A Real Time Simulated Human Vision System Using Connectionist Models Applied to Target Tracking", Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, Tokyo, pp. 303-306.
Dawson, K. and Vernon, D. 1990. "Implicit Model Matching as an Approach to Three-Dimensional Object Recognition", Proceedings of the ESPRIT Basic Research Action Workshop on "Advanced Matching in Vision and Artificial Intelligence", Munich, June 1990, pp. 59-65.
Vernon, D. 1990. "Computer Vision Sensing of Eye Movements", Invited Paper, Proceedings of the 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of Physical Scientists in Medicine. (23 pages).
Mahon, J., Harris, N., and Vernon, D. 1989. "Automated Visual Inspection of Solder Paste Deposition on Surface Mount Technology Printed Circuit Boards", Computers in Industry, Elsevier Science Publications B.V., Vol. 12, pp. 31-42.
Vernon, D. 1989. "Computers See the Light", Technology Ireland, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 21-23.
Vernon, D. and Sandini, G. 1988. "VIS: A Virtual Image System for Image Understanding", Software Practice and Experience, Software - Practice and Experience, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 395-414.
Frigato, C., Grosso, E., Sandini, G., Tistarelli, M., and Vernon, D. 1988. "Integration of Motion and Stereo", Proceedings of the 5th. Annual ESPRIT Conference, Brussels, Edited by the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp.616-627.
Sandini, G., Tistarelli, M., and Vernon, D. 1988 "A Pyramid Based Environment for the Development of Computer Vision Applications", IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo.
Healy, P. and Vernon D. 1988 "Very Coarse Granularity Parallelism: Implementing 3-D Vision with Transputers", Proc. Image Processing "88, Blenheim Online Ltd., London, pp.229-245.
Kenny, P.A., Dowsett, D.J., Vernon, D., and Ennis, J.T. 1988. "Digital Image Registration Techniques applied to Radio-Aerosol Imaging in Nuclear Medicine", presented at a meeting of The Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine entitled "The Clinical Usefulness of Nuclear Medicine Image Processing", February 9th.
Vernon, D. 1987. "2-D Object Recognition using Partial Contours", Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 17-21.
Vernon, D. and Tistarelli, M. 1987. "Range Estimation of Parts in Bins using Camera Motion", Proc. SPIE, Vol. 829, pp.258-266.
Sandini, G. and Vernon, D. 1986. "Tools for Integration of Perceptual Data" in "ESPRIT '86: Results and Achievements", Directorate General XIII (Editors), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland), pp. 855-865.
Kenny, P.A., Dowsett, D.J., Ennis, J.T., and Vernon, D. 1986. "Accurate Lung Image Subtraction for V:Q studies: Image Shift Routine Corrects for all Patient Movements", Nuklermedzin: The Proceedings of the 24th Congress of the Society of Nuclear Medicine in Europe, Goslar, Federal Republic of Germany, September 2-5, pp. 25-33.
Kenny, P.A., Vernon, D., Dowsett, D.J., and Ennis, J.T. 1986. "Non-Linear Spatial Warping Applied to the Generation of Post-Perfusion Nuclear Medicine Aerosol Ventilation Images", presented to AGM of Assoc. of Physical Scientists in Medicine, September.
Vernon, D. 1985. "A Holarchical Approach to Robot Vision", SPIE Vol. 595, Computer Vision for Robots, pp. 151-161.
Kennedy, J., Migliau, A., Morasso, P., Sandini, G., Teulings, H.L., and Vernon, D. 1985. "Image and Movement Understanding", Proceedings of the ESPRIT Technical Week II, Brussels, (14 pages).
Vernon. D. 1985. "A Hierarchically-Organised Robot Vision System", Proceedings of AI Europa, Wiesbaden, West Germany, (12 pages).
Vernon. D. 1984. "Robot Vision in Automated Electrical Wire Crimping", Proceedings of the First Image Symposium, Biarritz, pp. 863-868.
Vernon. D. 1984. "A Robot System for Automatic Wire Crimping", Proceedings of the Technical Program, Internepcon/UK84, Brighton, pp. 416-423.